Example sentences of "[n mass] [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The absorbance versus temperature data were converted to the first derivative and the melting temperature was defined as the temperature at which the derivative curve attained its maximum value .
2 Data were returned from the first fly-by and from the next two , on 21 September 1974 and 16 March 1975 .
3 They were soon copied by the French , who developed formations of this kind on a large scale from the 1760s onwards , while light infantry were used for the first time in Europe by the Russians at the siege of Kolberg in 1761 .
4 Mr Haynes said that a further charge of £100,000 was expected in the second half .
5 Five target fish were nominated for the second day as the anglers struggled to overcome persistent torrential rain and buffeting winds .
6 But while seven new licence sales were signed in the first half , this dropped to only two in the second due to currency turmoil , recession and political uncertainty in mainland Europe .
7 Grapefruit were discovered in the 18th Century .
8 Both these works were played during the first Tilford Bach Festival after which William Mann reviewing the concert in the Times wrote ‘ such a Festival in such a place does Bach signal homage ’ .
9 In 1853 his whole collected works were published for the first time with an introduction in which the editor , George Offor , hailed them as a weapon in the struggle against ‘ the mighty efforts ’ which were then being made ‘ to enthral the country in the Satanic yoke of popery or its dark ill-shapen brother Puseyism ’ .
10 In contrast , none of the single stones larger than 30 mm was fragmented after the first session .
11 Figure 5 shows their distribution with time ; 49% occurred in the first four seconds after the onset of the common cavity episode and 34% were scattered over the 5th to the 27th second after the onset of the common cavity .
12 An extra £250,000 was approved by the first meeting of the South Tees Acute Hospitals Trust for North Riding Infirmary to convert an in-patient ward into a day ward .
13 Preston Barracks was built before the Second World War for a cavalry regiment .
14 What with Becky Sieff crusading the country and a succession of charity dinners and film and theatre premieres , close on £300,000 was raised in the first half of 1939 .
15 This important six-part television series was shown for the first time in June 1988 , and in itself was an indication that freedom of intellectual debate had indeed been extended , but it also forewarned of the type of strong criticism to be expected from the conservatives in the party .
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