Example sentences of "[n mass] [that] have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1962 H. H. Hess , of Princeton University in the USA , published a radical explanation for much of the geological data that had been accumulating over the previous decade or so .
2 The arrangement of the same data that has been shown in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2 , but now held as a multilist , is shown in Fig. 8.3 .
3 So these things came to an end , I recall that on one occasion I was offered the eye of a sheep that had been cooked on a vast platter .
4 Fishing is one of John 's hobbies and he collects trout and bream that have been mounted in bow-front glass cases , with the date of their catch .
5 One would not think that it was important from the statistics that have been compiled about the industry under this Government .
6 So th let's look then back at this illustration for a moment , this incident , Jesus then gets er a few of his disciples and they go out , in the boat , and there are others who follow him , they get into their boats quite likely , quite possibly that many of the others would have been followers of Jesus , some of his other disciples , it 's unlikely in these very small little er lakeside fishing boats that many of disciples would have got in , there might have been four or five of them that would have been about the lot and so the others would have got into some of the other boats which were nearby and , and others are the people that had been listening to Jesus , they too get into boats , and they pull out following him , wanting to hear if he 's got anything more to say , wanting to witness anything else that he 's gon na do , they wan na be there to see and to hear what Jesus has to say and is going to do .
7 The third Duma consisted of people that had been arranged by the Tsar .
8 For Bridgnorth had made me resolve that I would never more go among a people that had been hardened in unprofitableness under an awakening ministry …
9 Praise you up when you go around kicking things , walking about with your eyes shut you 've got to join the Fire Service and you walk , you canna walk about with your eyes shut , you ca n't , people that have been injured in the head they 're going to be screaming about it are n't they your eyes are wonderful things Matt , they give you all round vision , you can see from , from the side of your eye if you look it 's like everything else if you do n't use it properly , you do n't get the benefit from it
10 ‘ Then it must have been two other people that have been kissing on our front porch for the last nine months .
11 Clearly the minister 's response is inefficient , it 's it 's quite inadequate and what is required is a much more positive stance from the minister , and can the minister tell us whether or not he will be , he will be giving the opportunity to mature entrants to the apprenticeship scheme so that people that have been thrown on the scrap heap over this last fifteen years will have an opportunity and can he tell us whether or not he 's had discussions with British Coal enterprise to allow miners that have been made redundant to come into the new apprenticeship scheme so that they will have new skills which will help them to get new jobs .
12 I think it enables the young people that have been coming to those meetings to find out too the problems that Councillors and Local Authorities have in actually trying to carry out the sort of things they want .
13 I think it enables young , the young people that have been coming to those meetings to find out too the problems that councillors have and local authorities have , in actually trying to carry out the sorts of things they want .
14 Published eventually in five volumes on fossil mammalia , mammalia , birds , fish , and reptiles , respectively , the Zoology , openly claimed for science some of the many new species that had been named from the Beagle 's collection .
15 Turkington made a further experiment in which he introduced the four clone types of white clover into pure swards of the four grass species that had been sown on soil sampled from the experimental field .
16 John Maynard Smith ( 1976 ) used the term Evolutionary Stable Strategies ( ESSs ) to describe those regular performances of a species that have been selected in the past as a consequence of their contribution to success in differential reproduction and the structure of which is largely under genetic control .
17 Bones from larger prey species that have been eaten by large owls are also likely to be broken , in contrast to the bones of the smaller species that may be present in the same pellet .
18 That we have no inventory of the former is inevitable ( we have neither seen them all , nor estimated with certainly how many millions there are ) , whereas the more surprising omission is that there is no master inventory even of those species that have been dealt with by taxonomists .
19 The Society reached an agreement with most tuna-canners in 1990 , setting up the labelling scheme in return for the canners ' agreeing not to buy tuna that had been caught through drift-netting or " setting-on-dolphins " ( where the mammals are rounded up to catch the schools of tuna which swim beneath them ) .
20 Here , perhaps , green consumerism can try to get us to eat tuna that has been caught in a wildlife-friendly way !
21 One red herring that has been produced by increased language awareness among teachers has been to try to rewrite academic texts so that pupils can cope with them .
22 This is unfortunate , for a series that has been gestating for three years .
23 Believe me , this is a major step forward , because carp that have been caught on floating baits before know exactly what to look for .
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