Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb base] [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It should also be noted that Young and Willmott 's data do not record the number of contacts with each relative , only the number of relatives contacted .
2 These data do not give the ship 's full performance but are experimental results collected under a variety of real operating conditions .
3 The foregoing data do not support the notion that psychopathology causes IBS .
4 We did not find an association between smoking and the grade of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia , and so our data do not support the hypothesis that cigarette smoke has a direct mutagenic effect on the cervical epithelium .
5 The data do not support the idea that remanent magnetization was acquired during a post-extension thermal or low-temperature chemical event at shallow crustal levels .
6 Our data do not support the idea that the xanthine/ xanthine oxidase pathway plays a part in ulcerative colitis as allopurinol , in concentrations known to inhibit xanthine oxidase activity , did not affect chemiluminescence .
7 Here we show that , in the absence of strong historical evidence , field data do not support the existence of variations in the duration of sympatry at the two areas where the distributional ranges of the cuckoo and its hosts overlap .
8 If the commercial benefits to Visa of retaining the data do not outweigh the costs of their retention then there can be little hope that such data will be accessible to historians in the future .
9 There seemed no doubt that the helium came from deep in the Earth but ‘ at this time the data do not indicate the cause
10 ‘ Do n't let anyone ever tell you that fat folk do n't feel the cold just as much as you skinny ones .
11 The leader of a bream shoal merely leads the way and sets a pattern of behaviour that the rest of the shoal follow .
12 One problem with analysing fraud is that the official statistics do not record the class or occupation of the offender , nor the detail of the offence .
13 As regards yeomen the statistics serve chiefly to emphasise the difficulty of pinning them down to a precise definition .
14 Business come mid-afternoon will be down to a trickle as people head home to watch the F.A .
15 Where people set out to defraud the revenue , there could be penalties .
16 3.1 In handling a violent situation one of the basic rules is to ensure that a means of withdrawal is available should the member of staff decide simply to vacate the room .
17 A game is basically a manoeuvre that people indulge in to get the strokes they need and/or to be in a position to discount others .
18 But the means do not explain the motivation .
19 Anyway , you ca n't dismiss the experimental method just because some irrational people choose not to put the findings into practice .
20 People do n't think the Editor would have the nerve to challenge him about it .
21 Peter Jones who 's the deputy director of the traffic studies department at Oxford University and the author of the report says that people do n't think the rules governing parking are strict enough .
22 ‘ A lot of people do n't realise the movement still exists ; there is a notion that it folded after the rallies of 1976 , ’ says Patrick Corrigan , development co-ordinator with the group .
23 This tends not to be so , since people do n't feel the need to keep reintroducing the point that no one listened to the first time , or the next , or the next … .
24 Yes , some people do n't make the grade .
25 People do n't appreciate the material belongings that surround them , they just buy things and then chuck them away , they consume and consume and get more and more lost .
26 People do n't have the money to drink and smoke .
27 to smoke when it comes to stopping smoking there is an element there where people do n't have the choice to stop smoking , it 's portrayed as something you do if you have the willpower .
28 which make it easier for you to stop and a lot of people do n't have the choice to stop , if you look at it in that sense .
29 But it is thought , however , that these few people do n't have the antibodies that protect them from the toxin if it is produced . ’
30 Bodywork panels tend to be difficult to make in the farm workshop because most people do n't have the equipment to bend sheet steel into the right shape .
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