Example sentences of "[n mass] [coord] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His duties included the preparation of a handbook of Instructions for the use of farriers attached to the British Cavalry and to the Honourable Board of Ordnance .
2 For example , the " library manager " reminded members of the procedures for ordering library stock , and reported arrangements for attending book exhibitions at County Library Headquarters and at the divisional library , while other members broached the subject of the need to develop audio-visual facilities within the school .
3 The attacks featured raids by groups of armed men identified by the Lithuanians as servicemen from the Soviet OMON special militia and from the Soviet army .
4 It was recorded in shallow water ( 20–55 m ) from the Gulf of Guinea ( Madsen , 1970 ) while in the South Atlantic from Gough I. In the Indian Ocean it has been collected from the Gulf of Aden at depths of 655–732 m and from the Philippine area of the West Pacific .
5 The message of the Rio summit has been ( as if we did n't already know it ) that this is a small and fragile world and where conservation is concerned , everything is everybody 's business and that does n't just apply to the white rhino but to the artistic patrimony as well .
6 Moreover , the two aspects of the debate were not always synchronised in the same people or at the same time .
7 A long prison sentence is the penalty for an unlicensed firearm and to keep the three men on bail , year after year , with this terrifying threat hanging over them was a most effective way to deter them from exposing the monstrous injustice of their treatment either in the media or with the European Commission of Human Rights .
8 It would obviously be the worst of craftsmanship to score the first four bars as they stand for the violins and viola and at the fifth bar to weaken one of the parts by division .
9 We have already referred to this as the ‘ speed of light ’ for CD information media and in the earlier section dealing with image handling in multimedia we have seen how serious this limitation is when CDs are used to deliver video .
10 Because of that view and because of the principals which we as an organisation espouse we chose to challenge the position that the Home Secretary had adopted and raised , we believe , the debate in the media and in the parliamentary setting of what should be provided to meet the er needs of young people .
11 Mr Toubon has been most noticed , however , for his frequent commentaries on cultural affairs in RPR meetings , in the media and in the National Assembly , where he became Mr Lang 's major sparring partner , fiercely critical in particular of his predecessor 's alleged preference for all things Parisian .
12 They have an inadequate conceptualisation of the relations between states and people and of the emotional significance of nation states .
13 Within the Community , governments have been actively campaigning in order to explain to business people and to the general public what it implies and promises .
14 The idea was to leave FRCN with the responsibility for national and international broadcasting : the Nigerian government would speak with one voice to its people and to the outside world .
15 It too articulated social reform , but in spite of popular appeals to the people and to the common good , its narrow sectional base was sharply exposed by discourses around the struggles of the unemployed , The Alliance advocacy of cuts in relief undermined its support so drastically that the ground it lost on the council was never recovered .
16 The aim is to enable the patient to understand the effects of his behaviour on other people and at the same time to help others understand their role in the behaviour .
17 Together we will enable your donation to help Scotland 's homeless and poorly housed people and at the same time answer emergency appeals — like the Ethiopian famine — build fresh water wells , and hospitals in developing nations .
18 Perhaps an article on Sterlets , with pictures , might interest more people and with the increased interest perhaps in time the price will come down to a more realistic level .
19 The organisation has now registered about 200,000 people and in the last year registered more names than in the previous seven years .
20 It was stressed to parents that the questions were being asked with the full co-operation of the headteacher and staff and with the express aim of making the experience in this particular nursery the best it could be for the children .
21 Their work comprises the provision of direct advice services to claimants , including casework and tribunal representation , the promotion of benefits through campaigns , publicity and work with local groups , support and training for other advice givers , both among council staff and in the voluntary sector , and influencing the policy and practice of public agencies .
22 A bargain price may well attract considerable sales and at the same time discourage competitors .
23 Today ( 1990–1991 ) Scotch Whisky 's share of the spirits market is 41% and of the total market 8.6%
24 For the sake not just of the American people but for the whole world , we pray that Mr Clinton will fulfill his promise .
25 ‘ I think it was good to meet lots of different people but on the other hand , I have never really felt settled or had lifelong friends like most people , ’ he says .
26 I now have a hell of a lot more time for people but at the same time I do n't seem to tolerate fools as well as I used to .
27 Candidates will be required to demonstrate understanding and knowledge of the way in which a modern office works and of the various support services it needs .
28 This means that we have to specify a number of assumptions , and those we have chosen are intended to conform with the Keynesian view of how the economy works and at the same time to simplify the analysis in a way which enables us to see clearly how DD unemployment can arise .
29 The painters themselves , despite the highly organized aspect of the demonstration , appear to have been surprised at the sensation caused by their works and at the sudden notoriety which they acquired overnight .
30 The comment from , Scottish & Newcastle 's finance director , was typical : ‘ I think it 's a very important concept that the board through management is responsible for seeing that internal control works and for the day-to-day detection of fraud , while the auditors also have a responsibility where it is material and affects the annual accounts . ’
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