Example sentences of "[n mass] [coord] [verb] they [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He worked each through a transition training programme with the assigned aircraft and schooled them on the forthcoming filming .
2 The count simply abandoned the small , expensive aircraft and led them to the car .
3 I remember Stromness dry for I was I used to drive a car then I used to pick up folk and take them to the Pomona and take them back again .
4 When they had killed three sheep and roasted them in the middle of the street and ridden off with the rest of the flock , and the cattle and the horses and the hens , we buried the dead — we were at it for most of a day — and then we went off east into Arkaig .
5 Gwion ushered them about like sheep and positioned them along the wall .
6 Situations in which they can prove useful are in small and/or lightly-stocked tanks , and rearing tanks where feeding is rather heavy and regular , as long as the turnover rate is not too high so as to stress the young fish or drag them into the filter .
7 If you have been unable to detect the early symptoms and the disease has progressed ( very common with ponds where fish can easily hide or where water clarity is poor ) you will have to catch all the affected fish and treat them in a salt bath .
8 The procedure is to remove some of the gut contents from ‘ affected fish and place them on a microscope slide .
9 Based in the UK , MAP is an ecumenical organisation that aims to increase media awareness , to encourage critical dialogue with media practitioners and to recognise the underlying values in the media and evaluate them from a Christian viewpoint .
10 In an interview contemporary with the novel , Brooke-Rose explains that ‘ Amalgamemnon is in fact about the violence which we all commit when we 're always trying to amalgamate people and put them in a category ’ ( 1984b ) , but the novel also turns this strategy back on itself and uses ‘ amalgamation ’ to shatter categories .
11 ‘ We are trying to educate young people and point them in the right direction and I do n't think we are fulfilling our duty very well when we have a rule like this . ’
12 So not every teacher was one hundred per cent successful with mixed ability teaching , but I do n't think one can ever expect that with a new method and I think now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
13 I think that now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
14 I read in an old Practical Fishkeeping an article on setting up a South American general community , this set me thinking and I decided to set up a South American Catfish community with a view to keeping some of the more readily-available , but hard to breed catfish and to provide them with the optimum conditions and numbers to hopefully have some breeding success .
15 Matisse had an arrangement with Miró whereby he would buy the latter 's works and put them on the market when the time seemed right .
16 They arrange them in series and plug them into the mains supply .
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