Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] the [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Teterborough serves private aircraft with the same intensity that Le Guardia and Kennedy serve the commercial routes in and out of New York .
2 They were to bring back a score of fighter aircraft in the same way that Deemy and his colleagues had done earlier that week .
3 Testing of this hypothesis is difficult since probabilistic language models tend to be tested on data from the same domain as the training corpus , hence domain specific effects are unlikely to show up .
4 We have presented our data in the same way as MacKenzie and Jefferies from Oxford .
5 Treat the data in the same way as for ( 1 ) above .
6 So that as well as measuring pressures , we can have flow and volume data on the same patients and the technique that we now use is to bring these patients in er to challenge them with a large fluid load , er they get an antibiotic , which is actually part of the way that we fund this study , they have a
7 They arrived at the aircraft at the same instant as the factory fire crew .
8 With the most aggressive species this intolerance may extend to species of other fish families and any fish of the same shape or colour is liable to be attacked .
9 The longitudinally-banded Melanochromis react very strongly to other fish with the same pattern and are very hard on their females .
10 Another important exception can be found in Grieco 's ( 1987 ) data on the use of kin networks to secure employment , where she found that relatives as distant as cousins were as likely to be involved as close kin in arrangements which brought a number of male and female kin into the same workplace or firm .
11 If the water is maintained at 26–28°C and the eel breathes in cooler , free-moving air , this can lead to the loss of your fish in the same way as with Anabantids .
12 Boxfish ( ostraciontidae ) release a poisonous substance into the aquarium if badly handled or attacked by other fish sufficient to kill all fish in the same aquarium and itself .
13 Even people of the same age and sex can differ considerably in the energy they burn up to keep their bodies going .
14 Yes , people of the same age and build may have a difference in metabolic rate of up to one-third .
15 Work something out , its rather extraordinary happens to people of the same age as me
16 Finally , Morgan commented that enormous demands were placed on the staff of the latter unit and recommended a review of its organization .
17 To come all this way and find herself staying in the house of people with the same name as those she was trying to trace ?
18 Finally , the abandonment of desert in favour of individual diagnosis and treatment justified treating people with the same offence and record entirely differently , leaving it wide open to bias — especially in terms of social class .
19 In the smaller places , there fore , they generally had to deal with people with the same background as themselves ; they knew their customers and their family and friends .
20 I mean there 's no doubt that in human terms that child needs that fifty pence more than you do , but we do n't because I mean there 's a level in which we ca n't because we have to somehow psychologically protect ourselves , and I believe we do do that by convincing ourselves that somehow people out there are not people in the same way that we are .
21 Nurses , social workers , and remedial therapists care about people in the same way as doctors , lawyers , and architects but in addition they care for people ; a task which may involve the performance of unpleasant work connected with bodily functioning .
22 If he were possessed by devils , you could n't fight against him : devils could possess people in the same way as other people were made to harbour poltergeists or were haunted by ghosts .
23 Other people In the same way as you are insured , we will insure any person you allow to use your caravan .
24 His GP should also be able to put him in touch with his local ‘ Stroke Club , ’ where he 'll be able to talk about his problems and progress with people in the same situation as himself .
25 It always helps to attend a group where you get the support of other people in the same situation as yourself .
26 He said : ‘ One of the things most appreciated by those running smaller businesses is the chance to meet people in the same boat and discuss matters of joint interest and concern . ’
27 You hook up with the people on the same trip and work it from there . ’
28 Presumably this puts the liability of the railway company up to £200 on the same level as that fixed by the common law and , on the other hand , does not deprive it of any of the defences pleadable at common law which are discussed above , e.g .
29 In 1981 the executive committee directed that the BDN , which had hitherto performed the dual role of addressing the hearing public on behalf of deaf people at the same time as serving deaf readers , should in future primarily be a paper for BDA members and the deaf community as a whole .
30 When the assistant is serving you , he may also be serving two or three other people at the same time and holding a conversation with yet another .
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