Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 Comparison of the data for the 26 patients who received NIPPV with that of the 30 treated conventionally demonstrated improved survival ( 1 death in 26 vs 9 in 30 ) .
2 Follow up data for the 18 patients who were alive when the 1988 report was assembled have been obtained from the most recent inpatient assessment at Harefield Hospital ( 1991–2 ) , where all but one patient are reviewed in depth each year or more often if problems arise .
3 As expected , the data from the 33 children who did not recover when compared with the data from the 57 recovered children showed significantly higher incidence rates of symptoms of constipation at follow up ; very large diameter stools , very hard stool consistency , stools that clogged the toilet , stool withholding ( p<0.001 ) , abdominal pain ( p<0.04 ) , and a significant decrease in the number of bowel movements per week ( p<0.001 ) .
4 The data on the nine subjects who correctly identified each insulin were analysed separately but the results were not different from those of the whole group .
5 Of the 287 people who saw the Carlyle exhibition , 94% rated it as Very Good or Good ; 90% of the 237 visitors who saw the MacLean exhibition gave it similar ratings ; and 78% of the 147 visitors to the Skinner exhibition considered it Very Good or Good .
6 But they still received some protection from folk like the English kings who found profit in them , and especially from William Rufus , who seems quite sincerely to have disliked the Church 's intolerance ; and the Church itself strongly condemned violent persecution .
7 I have here a petition with about 22,000 signatures , principally of visitors and the staff of the royal parks who are concerned about the proposed privatisation of those parks because they fear a consequent fall from the high standards established in them .
8 In Ethiopia , in the midst of war and facing famine , CAFOD is working with thousands of people in a dozen communities who are seeking to protect the topsoil in their fields , building irrigation channels , planting trees and learning new farming techniques so that millions of acres of farmland in their country may remain fertile .
9 Could that person obtain advice from people in the armed forces who have legal training , or could the armed forces obtain that sort of advice for the person seeking it ?
10 You can see it reflected in the faces of the young people from the Communist countries who have reached the West . ’
11 ( It was because of this that people from the impoverished villages who sought work in the towns did n't always find it . )
12 The men who tried to civilize these shaggy and uncouth marginalians by bringing them news of civilization have left a certain number of translations that are better reading today than are the works of the ignorant islanders who were too Proud to translate .
13 This led me into programmes like Tom Keating , Every window tells a story , which was about stained glass , Tudor miniatures , Edwin Mullins doing a Love Affair with Nature , Paintability , that wonderful Pottery Ladies series on the old ladies who painted all the original designs for Charlotte Rheade , Clarice Cliff and Susie Cooper — in that series you had a fantastic combination of feminism , oral history , skill , design , all in one series .
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