Example sentences of "[n mass] [adv] [vb base] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the beginning of the line , the aircraft all start from the same common stock , but as they progress the goodies are added or not added according to the order .
2 The data below relate to the 1179 perinatal deaths that occurred in the 114362 singleton deliveries to women resident in Leicestershire during 1978–87 regardless of place of delivery .
3 Scholars accept that prison statistics and other official data often discriminate against the poor and marginal , but the frequently overwhelming preponderance of these groups among those treated as criminal is thought partially to reflect social reality .
4 MARY BAILEY gets many queries about albino Oscars , which gives her a perfect opportunity to talk about the other colour mutations that can occur — and why such fish rarely survive in the wild
5 It attracted people of similar views and backgrounds and it 's no surprise — or should n't be — that such people still mix in the same circles now .
6 Truly forest people still survive in the dwindling rain forests of the three tropical masses : the Amazon Indians , the pygmies of the western part of Central Africa , and groups in the Andaman Islands , parts of West Malaysia and Borneo as well as the Philippines .
7 People always comment on the large number of pictures , but we 've always displayed things on the walls and have never particularly liked putting up flowery wallpaper — or wallpaper at all , ’ Catherine explains .
8 Appointment powers and responsibilities for non-teaching staff similarly rest with the governing body , and the LEA must appoint the person selected by governors .
9 Many people now go without the necessary treatment because they can not afford prescriptions .
10 I was thus thrilled to read , in the first chapters of Richard Brennan 's book , an argued attack on the cult beliefs , unproven theories , ignorant superstitions and mumbo-jumbo pseudoscience that so many people now prefer to the hard work involved in becoming technologically literate .
11 Although few people now reside in the immediate locality , it is a gathering point for young people , who hang around the shopping area and occupy the bench seats located in a landscaped approach .
12 ‘ Would all emergency and medical staff please report to the main entrance of the factory ?
13 To answer these questions people invariably turn to the official criminal statistics which are collected and published by the Home Office .
14 People never change for the better by being hated , judged and condemned .
15 It is also a fact that very few people actually come into the Christian faith with a deep burden of sin .
16 Mr McCue had seen the ski jump being used and commented : ‘ I saw very few people actually ski from the very top of the ramp most of them start half way down . ’
17 Although these works commonly refer to the bourgeois world as a specific interest group within society , the actual material analysed , such as blue jeans , soap operas or boxing , often represents the cultural forms adopted by the whole spectrum of society .
18 Spoon in the remaining fruit then top with the large bread circle .
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