Example sentences of "[n mass] [be] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 G. M. Henry , in his classic A Guide to the Birds of Ceylon , puts forward this argument to explain why the birds that have developed as separate species and subspecies are found in the southern , mountainous half of the island .
2 Where goldfish are kept in the latter system , lighting is best provided by a combination of Grolux and warm white tubes as this will bring out the colours of the fish .
3 I visit all the towns where sheep are killed by the thousand .
4 How the l.e.d.s are mounted on the subsidiary ‘ wicket ’ board and fixed to the pitch panel .
5 Numerator data are based on registration returns about child deaths , whereas denominator data are obtained from the 1981 census .
6 The average delay over the whole period is 4.8 years , but if the data are split into the two time periods represented in the Rolfe & Will lists , it is found that the average delay for the 1960-1976 period is 8.8 years , whereas the average for 1976-83 is 1.9 years .
7 These data are given for the post-war period in Figure 2.1 .
8 Interestingly , the dielectric loss appears to match the loss modulus more closely than the loss compliance when data are compared for the same system .
9 Most frequently accessed data are stored on the magnetic media and less frequently on the optical media with backup also on the optical .
10 Data are shown for the same mice as in a .
11 Need is defined as self reported illness and the data are derived from the General Household Survey .
12 Isotope data are corrected to the appropriate age for each sample ( or field ) .
13 Judge Butler ordered that assets worth £23,950 be confiscated under the 1986 Drugs Trafficking Offences Act with the threat that Laming serve a further 18 months in default .
14 How , for example , will the desire for free access to data be squared with the increasing institutional imperatives to make money from information resources ?
15 This happened most recently when all the constituent FECMA associations agreed that the Institute 's views on an EC proposal for a Directive on the Processing of Personal Data be submitted to the European Commission as the official FECMA view .
16 In 1984 , the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) formally approved and published a recommendation , initiated by the Commission on Thermodynamics , that the conventional standard-state pressure for thermodynamic data be changed from the traditional I atm ( 101.325 kPa ) to 100 kPa ( 1 bar ) .
17 The final straw which induced almost total panic in control was the large proportion of late entries ; about 10% were received before the official closing date , a further 30% before the weekend and nearly 60% on the day .
18 The predicted group membership corresponded to the actual group in 100% of cases in the basal condition , 80% in the 100 mg/day gliadin microchallenge group ( 10% were misclassified in the other groups ) , 80% in the 500 mg/day gliadin microchallenge ( 20% were misclassified in the 100 mg/day group ) .
19 In particular data being used by the dual processors must be stored on the the processors have to be attached to a IBM 9333 high performance disk system , shared data must be capable of storage on raw disk configurations rather than something like the the AIX Journaled File System and software must be specifically configured to work with the HACMP/6000 Distributed Lock Manager .
20 Data were analysed with the statistical program SPSS , version 4.0 ( SPSS , Chicago , Illinois , United States ) .
21 These data were compared in the hypertensive and normotensive groups , as nearly as possible to the same ages at which these data had been recorded for hypertensive cases .
22 This time , the data were obtained in the following way :
23 Hospital discharge data were obtained from the Finnish National Agency for Welfare and Health , the causes of deaths from the Finnish State Statistics , and annual alcohol consumption from the Finnish State Alcohol Company .
24 The data were obtained from the Canadian Hemophilia Registry .
25 For the analyses of childhood cancers including leukaemias — that is , those diagnosed in children aged 0–14 years — data were obtained from the National Registry of Childhood Tumours at the Childhood Cancer Research Group .
26 These data were stored on the large IBM installation of the Central Electricity Generating Board in London , and an " in house " written data base handling language , INFSYS , was used to marshall the data .
27 Battle and a whole belt of Wealden parishes produced no response at all ; since the data were collected by the local parish clergy , the low level of response is hardly surprising , farmers as a rule having a dim view of requests for information which might lead to a rise in taxes or tithes .
28 Data were collected from the relevant site departments , transcribed onto coding forms and sent to Dartford for punching onto paper tape .
29 The absorbance versus temperature data were converted to the first derivative and the melting temperature was defined as the temperature at which the derivative curve attained its maximum value .
30 The HDI data excluded several non-UN countries , and gave a single value for the ex-Soviet Union ( for GNP , separate data were used for the latter ) .
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