Example sentences of "[n mass] [conj] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The spatial query language tools which a GIS uses for general interaction with spatial data and for the elucidation of spatial relationships have also been the subject of recent research ( Egenhofer 1989 ) .
2 In 1648 he was serving as a commissioner for the militia and for the collection of tax arrears in London , by which time he had also already branched out into commerce , being recorded as a shipowner .
3 A column for total sales and/or for the calculation of commission on a percentage basis would be added .
4 I am convinced that , for the well-being of our people and for the preservation of the countryside , we have a clear duty to do all we can to prevent the further unrestricted sprawl of the great cities .
5 She equipped herself with secretarial skills when her family was growing up , and has worked for many interesting people and for the Diocese of Bath and Wells with Bishop John Bickersteth .
6 With an average age of 60 , customers choose his trips as much for the company of like-minded people as for the presence of an expert lecturer .
7 People flocked to the zoo less for the fauna than for the door-prize after the daily drawing of a cardboard bicho .
8 A number of members went on Bill Morris 's chartered train on the 5th May 1990 , the highlight of which was the run from Settle to Carlisle along this route , which is spectacular for both its engineering works and for the countryside through which it passes .
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