Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But now in the monsoon , Sigarup , Murti Lāl and the sheep inhabited a celestial world of their own , a patch of grassland in a stratosphere of densely swirling mist and cloud .
2 One of the subspecies has a white face with black eyepatches .
3 Models of an inventory are developed , and subjected to various mathematical and statistical formulae , with the object of producing data to enable a considered answer to be given to the two questions mentioned .
4 Our survey and interview data revealed a small number of heads who appeared to have difficulty in dealing with their colleagues as people .
5 A more detailed analysis of the data revealed a significant association between the duration of unemployment and use of illegal drugs such as heroin ( Peck and Plant 1986 ) .
6 These groups should not be regarded as representative of the Cardiff population : the 1991 census data records a Bangladeshi population of 1663 , some 0.6% of the total .
7 Both engines failed due to bird ingestion and the aircraft made a forced landing in a field beyond the end of the runway .
8 These breeding season data suggest a marked decrease since 1938 , when Walpole-Bond quoted a figure of 500 pairs for south-west Sussex .
9 These clusters , which have been made readily available to agencies , provide a very useful ‘ shorthand ’ for analysing and describing relevant markets or brands covered by TGI , since the data provide a direct link between brand or product use and media use .
10 ‘ These data provide a plausible explanation for the French paradox , ’ says the Lancet , but it calls for further studies .
11 The sale of commercial aircraft provided a powerful boost to overseas sales , but , even excluding this volatile component , the increase was broadly-based .
12 Digital data occupy a central position in this applications field and a number of examples are given to illustrate the extent to which their development has been hampered or facilitated in various countries by the policies of the organizations with responsibility for digital data provision .
13 The principal part of this programme uses these data to provide a unique picture of the range of differences among schools in an entire secondary school system .
14 It may be significant that it is the only instance where pooling the data has a strengthening effect on the correlations , supporting the view that communication problems are at the root of a large number of industrial problems in all cultures .
15 Our Falconet target aircraft uses a centrifugal launcher as its principal method of getting airborne .
16 The data show a wide range of strategies overall , and we would trust that more of these could enter the management vocabulary of more schools .
17 These data show an age-related increase in the reported prevalence of only some of these symptoms .
18 Our data support a multicomponent model for the articulatory loop , in which the subvocal rehearsal system and the phonological store are anatomically distinct .
19 The bank vole shows an interesting contrast between this trend and the opposite one during trapping that the likelihood of capture increases with age using live traps .
20 Our data confirm an upward shift of the proliferative zone in the patients with adenomatous colorectal polyps ( which are themselves associated with an increased tendency to develop colon cancer ) .
21 Given that the remotely sensed data add a great deal of information to these processes this is hardly surprising , but this general approach is relatively easy to carry out in a GIS environment .
22 First and foremost , there is the evidence provided by aerial photography ; when this is sufficiently extensive , as for example at Kenchester and Water Newton , there is usually enough data to publish a composite plan of the internal morphology , though normally the picture is far more fragmentary .
23 All these data indicate a considerable need for rural council houses , and authors such as Shucksmith , Newby and Larkin argue that need and demand for council housing outstrip the supply and any foreseeable increase in supply .
24 Harden 's data indicate an annual range of soil losses varying from , with the highest rates of erosion occurring where soils are exposed to drought , overgrazing or tillage .
25 Having been airborne for a while and learned that this aircraft demands a gentle touch on the engine controls , the trainee who demonstrates prudent use of reverse derives huge satisfaction from the soft-but-powerful deceleration , bringing the aircraft to a stop in 400 metres .
26 ( 41 ) The question that focusses the problem most sharply is : " how handle sets of data manifesting a superficial identity of patterning , some sets of which have a psychological reality for a society as a rule-generated scheme , but others not ? "
27 Irenaeus saw a key word in this — anakepbalaiosis — which in the English translation means ‘ to unite all things ’ .
28 In Cicourel 's ( 1968 ) analysis it seemed that the data presented a different kind of reality altogether : they only reflected the meanings , moral categories and stereotypes of those who collect and interpret the data ; they told us nothing about criminals themselves ( though in the Preface to the second edition Cicourel ( 1976 ) seemed to retreat from this more radical position ) .
29 Cross-sectional data showing a strong relationship between the share of temporary working which is " involuntary " and the level of unemployment in a region [ see Chapter 4 ] suggests that " involuntary " temporary workers might have increasingly displaced " voluntary " ones , at least in certain occupations and industries .
30 In non-diabetics there are now excellent data showing a beneficial effect on several cardiovascular complications by conventional antihypertensive drugs in those with diastolic blood pressure ≥ 105 mm Hg ( Veterans Administration Cooperative Study , 1967 , 1979 ) , while the evidence is conflicting in those with pressures between 90 and 104 mm Hg ( Kaplan , 1983 ; Toth & Horwitz 1983 ) despite claims to the contrary ( Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program Cooperative Group 1979 ; Australian Therapeutic Trial , 1980 ) .
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