Example sentences of "a public [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 In April 1982 , with the assistance of Hill and Knowlton ( a public relations company ) , the company began publishing a series of brochures entitled R.S. Moves to Weldon .
32 A public relations company is entertaining its clients .
33 HARDSELL is the name of a public relations company in London .
34 The district councils group , which has employed a public relations company to press its case against replacing the districts with one or two large single-tier Highland authorities , also showed Mr Lang a video promoting their view .
35 Selling needs public relations to assist it in its everyday operation and selling is often called upon to disseminate a public relations message .
36 During my lengthy spell abroad , I was seconded to a public relations unit , run by a delightful and eccentric colonel .
37 Exciting because you will join colleagues in a mad rush to write a public relations proposal for the prospective new client and to create a hopefully imaginative and pleasing presentation of these proposals .
38 If you have a special skill , such as being a trained accountant , a hairdresser , or even a public relations consultant , there are always charities who can do with an honorary treasurer , an old people 's home that would love some free hairdressing for their residents , or an organisation that needs a brochure or press release written .
39 Gordon Reece , a public relations consultant and personal adviser to Margaret Thatcher , was at the time Director of Publicity at the Central Office .
40 As a public relations consultant it is assumed you can write and speak with skill and authority .
41 Clever public relations work , convenient for the station , and , as you guessed , Mrs Slater is really a public relations consultant .
42 Quality Chilled Foods have asked you , a public relations consultant , to advise them what to do in relation to their retail customers in particular and the public in general .
43 A public relations approach should engineer a receptive climate of opinion , a paving of the way , for company activities and their positive and enthusiastic acceptance by trade and consumer .
44 The resulting film , Royal Family ( or ‘ Corgi and Beth ’ as it was nicknamed ) , in which , among other things , the Queen was shown cooking the steaks at a barbecue , was revolutionary in its revelations , and considered inside the Palace to have been a public relations triumph .
45 " Packaging the campaign " is a public relations function and that packaging is usually done first for the media — the powerful ally or potential enemy of your campaign .
46 When you first look around at the staff of a public relations consultancy , you might think " what a motley crew this lot is " .
47 The beautiful Thamesside setting of the Cottons Centre , where CCG run customer catering for Citibank , was put to the test this summer with an exclusive dinner for 15 chairmen and chief executives , who have been booked in by a public relations consultancy .
48 Education as a public relations activity
49 But this modification may be more of a public relations coup than a genuine therapeutic improvement .
50 The recent announcement that the National Gallery intend to establish a public relations department may improve the situation .
51 The meeting with Mr Terreblanche — ‘ ET ’ as he is popularly known — is seen more as a public relations gesture than a meaningful initiative .
52 A PUBLIC relations adviser to David Mellor tried to stop the Minister 's ex-lover Antonia de Sancha from talking live on TV yesterday .
53 The Korean tour was a public relations disaster with the highlight clearly being the apparent failure of the prince and princess to acknowledge each other 's presence in public .
54 He 's managed to turn a triumph into a public relations disaster .
55 The tour has been portrayed as a public relations disaster in many newspapers , with the emphasis placed on the apparent failure of the Prince and Princess to acknowledge each other 's presence in public .
56 A public relations strategy should touch every moving cog in the workings of your business .
57 THAILAND 'S Foreign Ministry yesterday suffered a public relations fiasco when it failed to produce five Vietnamese soldiers it claimed had been captured inside Cambodia after Hanoi 's much-publicised troop withdrawal from Cambodia last week .
58 The motive was to unhinge her completely — to provoke her into making a political miscalculation , such as reintroducing internment , in the hope of reaping a public relations reward .
59 The chancery was a public relations office , a press office and a private office all in one .
60 It is , at best , a damage limitation exercise and , at worse , an angry customer encourages others when there is a public relations vacuum .
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