Example sentences of "a once and for " in BNC.

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1 He justified the ‘ legal regulation of the problem ’ as the only way of heading off the likelihood of spontaneous ‘ defensive actions of the enraged population ’ , and claimed the German government had been compelled ‘ by the idea of being able , through a once and for all secular solution , of perhaps creating a basis on which the German people might possibly be able to find a tolerable relationship with the Jewish people ’ .
2 Above all , the CMHTs pointed to the heavy demands implicit in their own definition of success : the creation of a full range of services , not just alternative accommodation , and responsiveness to continuous changes in need and capacity rather than a once and for all move from one living environment to another .
3 This is clearly not a once and for all time decision .
4 Guidance about further reading can be given so that learning continues and is not viewed as a once and for all matter .
5 Career choice is a continual process , not a once and for all decision .
6 So even though you may have paid what you thought was a once and for all registration fee on qualifying prior to 1983 , if you wish to remain eligible to practise you are now required to update your registration status with the Council if you have not already done so .
7 A reparto , the division of the great estates among the agrarian poor , was the recurring demand of the endemic jacqueries of Andalusia as a once and for all cure for chronic underemployment .
8 At the moment we are working very hard to get all of our systems right , but of course it is not a once and for all process .
9 This year 's 6% , I hope , is a once and for all beast , but I am still worried ’ .
10 Slade LJ continued by pointing out that , although the breach of a positive covenant is not always capable of remedy : Nevertheless , I would , for my part , accept … submission that the breach of a positive covenant ( whether it be a continuing breach or a once and for all breach ) will ordinarily be capable of remedy … the concept of capability of remedy for the purpose of section 146 must surely be directed to the question whether the harm that has been done to the landlord by the relevant breach is for practicable purposes capable of being retrieved .
11 Moreover , as things stand , contracting out is not a once and for all decision .
12 It 's a once and for all saving .
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