Example sentences of "a few minutes [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He recovered fully but had repeated transient ischaemic symptoms affecting the right arm lasting a few minutes despite aspirin therapy , with twenty episodes occurring during 6 months .
2 As I said in an earlier chapter , the principle of speaking is not to go on for more than a few minutes without getting your audience to do something — applaud or laugh or raise their hands .
3 Air is so vital that it is only possible to live for a few minutes without it .
4 Quick action is vital , since anyone who stops breathing can usually live for only a few minutes without help .
5 Joe made room for me with the same amount of good grace he might have afforded an enemy invading his castle and we sat for a few minutes without speaking , inspecting the view .
6 They sat in the car for a few minutes without speaking .
7 In total , Pippin and PJ spent only a few minutes under the lights and had a lots of praise and Bonios afterwards .
8 Ten a.m. , 24th July ; just finished breakfast with the mortar team and relaxing for a few minutes over a mug of hot tea discussing the number of casualties after the heavy shelling last night .
9 Eight-thirty , he 'd said , and it was already a few minutes past that !
10 ‘ The shot that killed Garland was fired at a few minutes past ten .
11 I checked my watch — a few minutes past five and decided that if Charlie had n't turned up by now he was unlikely to appear before the next day .
12 She had heard dark mutterings about him but after a few minutes of talking with him she was ready to put it down to common envy .
13 Outside the wind grew even more savage and we cut short the one doomed attempt to raise the tent , retreating to the truck for a few minutes of poor slumber .
14 Ice fishing , I find , is as cold as anything I have ever tried in the Arctic , and after a few minutes of unproductive ass-freezing I pack it in .
15 Within a few minutes of galactosides being added to the medium , the genes are switched on , and enzymes appear .
16 If you do not like a coffee house you have lost only the price of a cup of coffee and a few minutes of your time .
17 Some are quite a major commitment , some a small but regular commitment , others no more than an hour or even a few minutes of your time .
18 The Ministers and the Court dignitaries were on the platform to make their farewells , which the Emperor had insisted be short and restrained , so that within a few minutes of his arrival he and his son were on board and the train left to cries of ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’
19 That reminds me : I asked whether he 'd heard anything within a few minutes of seeing young Hamnett , hoping he 'd say a shot , of course , which really would have been too good to be true .
20 Sometimes within just a few minutes of the arrival of leaf-eating creatures , the tannin content is up to levels which make not only the leaves under attack , but all the other leaves of the tree toxic or at least unpalatable .
21 To think a few minutes of thoughtless pleasure could end in this .
22 After a few minutes of stilted , low-voiced conversation , Gladys retreated to her room , and Meryl thankfully resumed her seat in the window .
23 Inspector Montgomery asks if you would be kind enough to step into the library when you 've finished your coffee , and give him a few minutes of your time . ’
24 ‘ I 'm very sorry to bother you , ’ Jackson said smoothly , ‘ But I 'd like a few minutes of your time .
25 Within a few minutes of this treatment being given , he was able to button up his coat .
26 Eventually ( it would later be established it must have been within a few minutes of six-thirty ) the car slowed to a halt .
27 In strictly layman 's terms , the amount of additional engine-weight and fuel that any supersonic aircraft could get off the ground would give a few minutes of sub-orbital time , if that .
28 Drying time : wearable within the hour after drying in a warm room — if you do n't mind a few minutes of clamminess at the obvious places where the material is thicker such as the pockets and waistband .
29 I 've nothing against these two teams , but to be deprived of the euphoric English faces after only a few minutes of joy and achievement was an insult .
30 The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is in a small room just inside the Presbytery door and to it come over a hundred people who give an hour of their time a week to ‘ watch ’ but there are countless others who come in just for a minute or two and there find a few minutes of silence and prayer .
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