Example sentences of "a purely [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In 1968 another coup brought in a purely Baath regime in its place .
2 Earlier plans for a purely commando raid had been abandoned , as mentioned earlier , because St Nazaire stands on the Loire estuary with only one deep-water channel which was covered by coastal batteries in 1942 .
3 The fact that an unknown " civilian " should have been consulted about what was indeed a purely Service matter , should be weighed against Bennett 's unequalled background and experience .
4 Both of these assertions , though questionable , attest to the kind of currency James enjoyed in what is usually regarded as a purely Pauline sphere of influence .
5 His penal thinking was an application of his general philosophy that law and government should pursue ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ , which logically led him to espouse a purely reductivist approach to punishment , with no place for retributivism of any description .
6 To rid themselves of a purely intelligentsia base the party united with the Moscow Federation of Labour in 1991 and became the Party of Labour .
7 However , and dimers are twisted out of a purely cis arrangement due to steric hindrance ( Fig. 2 ) .
8 Doherty is described by Cole as an ardent Owenite ; but though he records him as advocating ‘ co-operative self-employment far and wide wherever the workers became organised ’ , he nevertheless identifies the National Association as a purely trade union body .
9 erm a purely class thing erm but we can actually get in there
10 But the NATO council would deal with any use of a purely NATO Reaction Force .
11 On the face of it , it looks like a purely police problem . ’
12 It would appear , then , that since many of the facilitating devices listed in the previous section are not subject to prohibition ( information agreements are the only type of device that are ) , a move to a purely prohibition system would make the British system as helpless in the face of tacit collusion as the American .
13 The example illustrated in Fig. 561 is a purely timber log structure of the type built all over eastern Europe till long after the Middle Ages .
14 Nick , by this time leading a glamorous social life in England with his girlfriend Arabella ( Ari ) Campbell MacNair-Wilson , daughter of a Conservative Member of Parliament , proposed that since nobody wanted a purely business party for journalists and other promotional appendages , each of the children should invite their own friends .
15 As an established ‘ national ’ institution the BBC head of sport claims ‘ we do n't approach life from a purely business point of view ’ .
16 The same thing could of course be done with two ADCs and software , but in a system without those facilities , this circuit provides a purely hardware implementation .
17 No. 140 is a purely Leipzig piece dating from 1731 when it was sung on the rarely occurring Twenty Seventh Sunday after Trinity .
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