Example sentences of "a short time [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Filmophone ’ records were made of various colours of plastic , and had low surface-noise combined with great ruggedness ; but within a short time they warped so badly that they were unplayable .
2 For a short time they began to lead normal , fun-loving lives .
3 But again they were probably making use of much older tracks evolved for very different purposes For a short time they were important .
4 All we can say is that assurances were given , and that for a short time they were accepted as having been given in good faith ; but they were not honoured .
5 She hurried outside and hastily picked a bunch of them , and within a short time they were making a pleasing addition to the table .
6 They were each offered a can of cold beer from a coolbox , and within a short time they were lining up at the barbecue , a plate in hand .
7 For a short time we got on without much difficulty , but we were soon obliged to have recourse to our hands and knees , and clamber thus from one crag to another .
8 Within a short time we had nine staff working full- and part-time .
9 In a short time we were thoroughly drenched and landed in Jura among what felt like " buckets of water . "
10 It always was a surprise , the pure majesty of the scene approaching the Alps , more especially in moonlight ; it seemed odd to me , whilst devouring this special panorama that in a short time we would be raining all the horrors of war down on people not seriously willing to fight .
11 Whatever his standing with Catholics ( and for a short time it was high ) , he was set on a collision course with the representatives of traditional unionism and with no representative more so than Ian R. K. Paisley .
12 Sometimes an observant parent will notice something that will give us a clue ; after a child recovers from one of those high fevers that ‘ lay it very low ’ for a short time it is sometimes seen that the child is more ‘ well ’ than before it became ‘ ill ’ , provided the illness has not been inappropriately treated or interfered with in some way .
13 In a short time it will bear clouted cream laid over it .
14 Its first public letter to the Scotsman referred to " clerical work " or supervisory jobs as being the best area to concentrate on , but within a short time it had established a register for women 's employment of a wider kind .
15 Within a short time it had a waiting list and larger premises were acquired in the Old Kent Road .
16 After a short time it was clear that Sir Henry had fallen deeply in love with the beautiful Miss Stapleton .
17 She had set off from Margate before eight o'clock and for a short time she fell asleep in his arms .
18 ‘ She will have well-ordered meals nicely presented , and for a short time she will mix with the other patients .
19 By August 1991 W. 's condition had deteriorated to the point at which for a short time she had to be fed by nasogastric tube and have her arms encased in plaster .
20 Within a short time she was sitting only for Dante Gabriel Rossetti [ q.v . ] .
21 For a short time she stood still and silent , scarcely breathing as she revelled in the novelty of his tenderness , but presently her body started stirring in response to the warmth of his mouth , a new sweetness to her desire .
22 Such a short time she was in my arms and then we had to find a hole in the earth to place her ; a piece of stone to mark her passing .
23 But when she reached the office she found concentration to be almost impossible , and within a short time she became impatient with herself .
24 In a short time you 'll receive your new multipoint cashcard , and just a few days later a Great Escapes brochure displaying over 180 excellent hotels to choose from , together with your two FREE Great Escapes vouchers .
25 She could not convince me at the time that anything bad could happen , now that I had finally ‘ solved ’ my eating problems , and for a short time I felt jubilant , relieved and ecstatic .
26 For just a short time I had become a part of the village community on a day that ‘ introduces everybody to everybody else ’ .
27 ‘ She told the doctor at the orphanage , ‘ If I 'm going to go to England for a short time I must be careful not to give too much of my love , but if I 'm going to be there for a long time I can give all the love I can ’ , ’ Mike says .
28 For a short time I was completely clammed up with Marian because I had never been allowed to talk about myself with my wife .
29 ‘ If I summon all my strength , for a short time I can act against her spells , ’ she whispered .
30 I thought about my dear wife , and for a short time I felt better .
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