Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] have been [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This indifference on Alec 's part has been the subject of comment .
2 They all laughed , for Breeze 's untidiness had been a school joke for years .
3 The greatest cause of the Prince 's despondency had been the feeling that he served no useful purpose .
4 As Shahid himself admits , the sight of Ian Salisbury wheeling away so productively at Lord 's might have been a factor in this sudden show of faith .
5 Underlying Mr Singh 's campaign has been an implication that boys receiving awards and honours have not really been deserving of them .
6 He said after the funeral that his brother 's marriage had been a shot-gun affair never consummated .
7 One of the reasons for the Government 's failure has been the fact that they did not bring together all the groups involved .
8 What on Hunter 's initiative had been a saving grace for the College on Vial 's death — the admission of veterinary students to lectures by surgeons and physicians — later became a source of complaint .
9 Mrs Doran 's husband had been a loser to Phipps , both at golf and in the bedroom .
10 Lady Grange 's husband had been a Jacobite and during one of their marital battles she hinted that she would expose his seditious leanings — for which he could be hanged .
11 China 's GDP has been a cause of controversy for years .
12 Mr Kinnock said that this week 's conference had been a landmark for his party .
13 Hayling 's dummy had been a marathon performance over months , whilst Sutton had had only a short time and few people .
14 Bottomore writing in 1965 noted , ‘ For the past eighty years Marx 's theory has been the object of unrelenting criticism and tenacious defence ’ .
15 Sir John 's father had been a friend of Ruskin and the family collection contained several of his watercolours of Venice .
16 Bernard 's father had been a builder , his two elder brothers were house painters ; his older sister was married to a carpenter : another just left nursing to be married ; his two younger sisters were still at school and planned to go to college against their mother 's wishes .
17 Kitty 's father had been a woodman , born more than ninety years ago , in the reign of Queen Anne , just out of the valley in Lamplugh , a village named after one of the Conqueror 's more savage barons and ever since his brutal arrival sunk in the spellbound gloom of ossified superstition .
18 If Phillips 's paper had been the landmark of empirical research in macroeconomics in the post-war period , Friedman 's paper , published ten years later , enjoyed a similar status in the theory of macroeconomic policy .
19 Fowler had been told not to press the old man , but the parentage of Cissie 's baby had been the cause of much of the gossip .
20 The Mahdi 's skull had been a cause célèbre .
21 The county 's recruitment has been a disappointment in many ways .
22 The Store nomes liked sleeping on fancy bits of carpet , but Masklin 's bed had been a bit of wood .
23 Most of Emecheta 's life has been a fight to get what she feels is her due .
24 Asked whether yesterday 's attack had been a case of spontaneous combustion , he said : ‘ Look , it 's a reaction that I put forward there on behalf of , as much as anything else , the readers of our newspaper .
25 The butcher had lined his pockets too thickly in the past at their expense , and Faith 's will had been a warning , a pointer to their future .
26 We had just finished the Card Trio in Act 3 with Leontyne and the two other gipsy girls in splendid voice , while Karajan 's accompaniment had been an education in itself .
27 The key to Kandel 's approach has been the study of a simple piece of behaviour which can be studied in the intact animal .
28 So very reluctantly they took me to the home of a local merchant whose wife 's health had been the reason for their not taking anyone so far .
29 Lucy 's first reaction to her father 's pleading had been No chance .
30 Kenchester 's status has been the subject of considerable discussion , not least because of the 1795 discovery of an inscribed milestone , apparently re-used in the northern defences .
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