Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 David Chin Kah Hin 's response to a question about adventurousness , adaptability and tolerance typifies the spirit and imagination of the 35 applicants for a Guinness Earth Science Award .
2 The survey sponsored by the CLR was a market survey testing the library consumer 's response to a product in a new package .
3 The notes cover the Stamp Office 's response to a number of questions on which the Faculty sought clarification following the publication of Statement of Practice SP 11/91 in September 1991 .
4 According to this model , deviance is a property which is created and sustained by a community 's response to an act as deviant .
5 On the same day he told the defendants that he was interested in making an offer for Caliban and asked the first defendant to sound out what would be the plaintiff 's response to an offer in the range of $2m. to $2.5m. gross i.e. the plaintiff to bear the agent 's commission .
6 Those two responses are difficult to distinguish since one is Leapor 's response as a poet to a life which she observes ; the other pertains to her own experience of that life .
7 the game did n't liven up until midway through the half when the Blues finally put Cliftonville 's defence under a period of sustained pressure .
8 Parental expectations , children 's exposure to a range of experience , and the availability of structured education were different , for example , for the five-year-old in the 1930s and 1950s , and these are different from those of the late 1980s .
9 It became apparent that Edward could win nothing if he persisted against Stratford and refused reforms ; in May , therefore , he adjourned the archbishop 's trial to a committee of peers ( which in fact he never convened ) and assented to the reforming statutes .
10 SARAH LOOSEMORE 's award of a place at Oxford University means that the British game may again have to contend with the loss of one of its major assets .
11 BAFTAGATE , the television 's industry 's most gripping drama , took a new turn yesterday when the four Bafta judges who complained about last month 's award of a prize to ITV 's Prime Suspect , demanded that Bafta produce the ballot slips .
12 A medical orderly and a nurse patch up a competitor 's foot during a break in the Nijmegen Marches
13 Into his small cup he ladled a measure of fresh goat 's milk from a jug on the window-ledge .
14 Then the teacher has the privilege of completing the text 's change into a poem by reading it .
15 I eventually found my parents in the sponsor 's tent in a huddle with Jack and his delightful wife , Jenny .
16 Such a course of action was rendered inconceivable by virtue of the Report 's reliance upon a discourse on art to legitimize the centrality to be accorded English within the curriculum .
17 Olive Saunderson and Norman Field met and fell in love in predictably romantic circumstances when the Fields and the Saundersons were guests on board Lord Vestey 's yacht on a cruise to Norway in 1909 They were married the same year in Dublin and returned to England to set up home .
18 The net result of Honderich 's weakness as an historian of ideas is that his book slips into confusion .
19 BP 's case for a reduction in North Sea taxes to provide room for manoeuvre smacks of special pleading .
20 An expert witness is appointed by a party to assist in putting that party 's case to a tribunal of either judge(s) or arbitrator(s) , with other parties having the same right .
21 You know birds of prey ca n't fly over water so Israel 's part of a kind of funnel for them which makes it a great place to do bird counts .
22 But he goes on to say : ‘ To take ( the book ) as the last word would be as unwise as putting one 's faith in a hand-out from the ( US ) Department of the Interior . ’
23 To take it as the last word would be as unwise as putting one 's faith in a hand-out from the Department of the Interior .
24 He had been interested in tramps since childhood — ' I love a public road' ; he had read Crabbe 's description of a workhouse at school and had been shocked by the confinement of the mentally ill ‘ inasmuch as idiots and lunatics among the humbler classes of society were not to be found in Workhouses — in the parts of the North where I was brought up , — but were mostly at large ’ .
25 for one thing , the group did not choose the name , which came from a reviewer 's description of a painting by Monet .
26 To offer one final example of these pre-war accounts of the untameable energies of young people , here is Hatton 's description of a visit to a Day Continuation School for young workers .
27 Not guilty , did n't do it that 's why what gorilla man did sickened me ; no blood well hardly any blood literally a drop , a drip , a fucking pixel on the screen and the only thing slicing into flesh was a needle , tiny and delicate not a chainsaw or an axe or a knife or anything , but it 's that image that idea that old devil meme , I keep dreaming about it , keep having nightmares about it , and I 'm the trapped one , I 'm the man in the leather-and-chrome chair and he 's there with his gorilla face and his squeaky baby voice , explaining to the camera that what he has in this bottle and in this syringe is sperm ; the crazy fucker 's loaded it up with jism man looks like half a fucking milk bottle of the stuff and he 's going to inject it into the little guy 's veins and he ties something round the naked upper arm of the little guy strapped to the chair and pulls it tight and waits for the vein to show while the little guy howls and screams like a child and tries to shake the chair to bits or rip it apart but he 's too well strapped in there no purchase no leverage and then the man in the gorilla mask just does it ; sinks the needle into the little guy 's skin with a bit of blood and empties the whole syringe into him .
28 Mr Davis does regard the Department of the Environment 's decision as a step in the right direction .
29 Some interpreted Pepsi 's decision as a prelude to a bid for Perrier 's soft drinks business , which analysts predicted might also attract offers from Coca-Cola , Suntory of Japan , or Guinness through its LVMH connection .
30 In that case no such presumption could exist : on the contrary where Parliament had provided that the decision of an inferior court was final and conclusive the High Court should not be astute to find that the inferior court 's decision on a question of law had not been made final and conclusive , thereby excluding the jurisdiction to review it .
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