Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [verb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 DINAMO Tbilisi , as expected , have lodged their appeal against UEFA 's decision to disqualify them from the European Cup ( writes Lyle Jackson ) .
2 United almost contributed to their own downfall , but Blackpool 's finsihing let them off the hook .
3 Grooms took their horses whilst a pompous steward of the Prince 's household led them up the main steps into the spacious hall .
4 The belief that working class men would choose idleness if at all possible and that married women 's work provided them with the opportunity was particularly strong during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
5 Yet for all its traditions the Indianapolis 500 is , again like America itself , on the cutting edge of technology , combining the latest advances in engineering and the car racer 's desire to apply them to the maximum .
6 The council houses , of fudge-coloured brick , stood in two rows and a horseshoe shape with a screen of Leyland 's cypress hiding them from the village .
7 Mrs Wood paid for the shoes , and Pip 's father put them in a box .
8 Dolly 's voice brought them to an abrupt halt .
9 They found their parents waiting for them at the top of a wide terrace of marble steps , and the governor 's aide-de-camp conducted them to the reception through a series of lofty , marble-floored chambers forty feet high .
10 Only a mass revolt by AFBD members — which is unlikely - or legal action by particularly aggrieved firms , for example the Commodity Trad ers ' Group , can prevent the great majority of those firms which wish to continue doing business with Americans from signing the commission 's order exempting them from the full rigour of its rules .
11 The throb of Marvin Gaye 's Grapevine followed them down the twisting road .
12 She was grateful that Sylvie had not taken up the Princesse 's invitation to join them for the holidays and , a little guiltily , that Leo had n't either .
13 The travellers ' flight took them across the desert .
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