Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Initially all Gehlen 's funding came from the CIA but later , in 1954 when the German Federal Republic was established as a sovereign state , Gehlen took over the running of the Federal German Intelligence Service .
2 Twenty years ago more than three quarters of the College 's income came in the form of a government grant .
3 In 1991 , only 50 per cent of the SCO 's income came from the box office , compared to an average of 69 per cent .
4 Glasgow 's newest hotel , ‘ The Forum ’ chose Stoddard Mercia 's contract carpeting throughout the reception area and two restaurants on the ground floor .
5 Core 's defence relied on the claim that the materials were for artistic purposes , a defence recognised in British law .
6 AY 's defence centred around the claim that it only owed a duty of care to Alkar , as its auditor , and not to WG , even though it also audited the WG group accounts .
7 Bissett 's difficulty lay in the time he had been allocated for his paper on the theoretical dimensions of the device .
8 On the far side of Farringdon Road , Graham passed Easton Street where another painter 's or window-cleaner 's cradle lay on the pavement , up-ended for some reason , neat coils of rope around it .
9 The reader 's relationship to Proust 's text switches from the closeness , produced by paraphrase and quotation , of listening to the text speaking for itself , to a more removed perspective from which de Man and his reader stand back from that text and speculate on a general rule about language .
10 They took no notice of the black Mercedes as it slipped noiselessly out of the parking space behind them , the driver 's foot hovering over the accelerator .
11 As the attacker 's foot lifts from the ground , the defender is immediately warned that a kick is coming .
12 But the SSD claimed this week that the Appeal Court 's judgement flew in the face of earlier court decisions .
13 Weather conditions had definitely worsened since she went to bed , and she needed Fen 's support to struggle along the towpath in the face of the gale , in order to reach his car .
14 Since the profession 's livelihood depended on the public having confidence in its members ' integrity and professional ability , he warned , those who did break the rules would be dealt with swiftly , effectively and fairly .
15 Was the rule in Pinnel 's Case binding on the House of Lords ?
16 Even if Dr Courtney 's case went to the Court of Appeal , it would be unlikely to impose the stiffest jail term of life imprisonment .
17 The applicant 's case depends on the evidence and opinions of Miss Massiter …
18 Pleming said the government 's case rested on the plan to take topsoil from Oxleas Wood to nearby Woodlands Farm and plant trees there .
19 FoE 's case rests on the fact that levels are above the standards laid down by the European Commission .
20 Nozick 's case rests on the view that so long as one is not acting for the reason that one 's action will favour one of the parties or hinder the other , but for a valid independent reason , then one 's neutrality is intact .
21 Shakespear 's Sister took to the stage to what must be the worst intro tape I 've ever heard .
22 Meanwhile C. and Miss T. 's sister arrived at the hospital , as did Miss T. 's mother .
23 The snake 's skin trembled at the movement in the air .
24 He did n't add that controlling the Seneca was child 's play compared to the brute force of the Ferrari F40 .
25 Claude Simon 's fiction provides for the possibility of retrieval , if we accept the mimetic claim that the form of the novel must be dictated by the incoherence and instability of memory and perception : in Le Vent ( 1957 ) , L'Herbe ( 1958 ) , La Route des Flandres ( 1960 ) , Le Palace ( 1962 ) and Histoire ( 1967 ) , the fragmentation and discontinuity of reality is conveyed in the narrative syntax itself .
26 The first thing someone familiar with Christine Brooke-Rose 's fiction notices about the novel is that it reads almost like conventional science fiction .
27 Labour 's decision to vote against the Government provoked a slanging match between all three major parties .
28 PRESIDENT REAGAN 'S decision to sell off the United States 's weather satellites , which was announced last week , has thrown the world 's meteorological community into confusion .
29 It is not hard , however , to make a strong case for the view that unrest in a particular part of the empire in 1858 loomed large in the regime 's decision to opt for the version of emancipation which gave peasants land .
30 But in fact Holt C.J. 's decision related to the escape of filth and his formulation of principle was limited to that and to cattle-trespass ; it was not nearly so sweeping as the rule expressed in Rylands v. Fletcher , which was reached by methods extremely characteristic of judicial development of the law — the creation of new law behind a screen of analogies drawn from existing law .
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