Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was hand woven of sheep 's wool and dyed the same deep indigo colour as her mask .
2 This sweeping and quite unsubstantiated assertion is but one man 's opinion and has no more weight than another 's , for example , my own which is completely contrary .
3 Later , as night crept over the Rorim , they met in Riven 's room and shared a few pitchers of ale .
4 There are times when we all want to get inside the other person 's head and switch a few knobs to re-programme them completely .
5 Slide your hands to the sides of your partner 's head and apply a little pressure to the temples for about ten seconds .
6 My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State recently visited my hon. Friend 's constituency and delivered a few home truths to the city council about its housing policy failures .
7 John Brown looked over the wall at his neighbour 's invention and did the same .
8 And then we took a remote truck down to Carl 's house and did a few things in his den .
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