Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [vb past] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The grant of Alemannia , where none of Charles 's half-brothers had a prime interest , was the least provocative way of making reasonable provision for Charles 's future .
2 There may be some weathering her and there After a few weeks which to Willis , however , seemed like a few years , the broker 's solicitors made a conditional offer for the poor old barge , and finally agreed to pay £1500 , provided that Dreadnought was still in shipshape condition six months hence , in the spring of 1962 .
3 Mr Rocard 's proposals received a warmer welcome from the man judged to be the most popular member of the cabinet , the non-socialist health minister Bernard Kouchner .
4 Meciar 's views provoked an internal party dispute in which he was accused of intimidating political rivals and of making unnecessary and unconstitutional foreign trips .
5 The sheer task of learning Clifford 's speeches demanded a great deal of concentration from James , a father of two ; Barnaby , four , and Florence , one .
6 The fanatic 's words held a harsh core of truth .
7 Citroen 's designers had an unenviable task when styling the XM .
8 She was more bothered than ever , for Timothy 's eyes had a dreamy look which she 'd never seen in them before , and he 'd lingered over the girl 's name whenever he had used it .
9 Penry 's eyes held a sceptical gleam .
10 The familiar pattern of travel , hotels and the company of on 's peers invited a certain insularity , a tunnel vision indeed , either in terms of artificial detachment or , at the other extreme , of a debilitating introspection .
11 But his reference to Caro 's motives struck an answering chill in her heart , simply because she , Robbie , knew so much that Fen did not .
12 The figures on schooling and educational background are particularly revealing , not just because they disclose that roughly 90 per cent of the country 's judges received a public school education , or that over three quarters had attended either Oxford or Cambridge universities , but because they also confirm that this social profile has remained virtually unaltered over the last four decades or more .
13 The tours , new homes , new baby , and Diana 's illnesses took a heavy toll .
14 The complexity and diffuseness of the Authority 's messages had a further effect .
15 ENGLAND 'S cricketers found a tranquil haven here yesterday in which to run through their early tour practice routine .
16 On his return to Vienna in November 1787 , Mozart 's fortunes received an unexpected boost — his first permanent appointment at the Viennese court as kammermusicus ( chamber composer ) .
17 But following his hope GP at Assen last June , Zeelenburg 's fortunes took a spectacular turn for the worse .
18 The 28-year-old mechanical engineer 's fortunes took a dramatic twist midway through last season when his career hit rock bottom .
19 But even the heavily biased reports from the Propaganda Offices were obliged to admit that criticism of Hitler and grave doubts in his alleged ‘ strategic genius ’ were mounting sharply , and that those still believing his words that 1945 would bring a ‘ historic turning-point ’ in Germany 's fortunes had a hard time against the doubters .
20 Yesterday 's heroes ran an amateurish campaign and , in the main , are no fans of quick unity .
21 SCOTLAND 'S women 's bowlers bridged an 11-year gap since their last victory when they overcame England 138-106 in their home international title decider in Perth yesterday .
22 One of Parker 's coadjutors contributed a remarkable note : ‘ Ophir is thought to be the Ilande in the west coast , of late founde by Christopher Columbo fro whence at this day is brought most fine golde . ’
23 An educated and cultivated gentleman , Bell 's travels played an important part in the formation of his taste , both as a connoisseur of paintings and as an architect .
24 At Aachen in February 831 , Louis the Pious 's counsellors canvassed a revised division project : though much of its text was based on that of 806 , it reverted to more traditional Frankish practice in dividing the heartlands .
25 Below : Buffalo 's officers gave a rousing cheer to the Duke of Edinburgh and Lord Sterling as they passed by abroad the Royal yacht , Britannia
26 Britain 's businesses took a longer Christmas break than their European competitors this year , with millions of workers taking a two week holiday .
27 Most ports showed a decline but Felixstowe 's figures showed a different picture — grain trade soaring 122pc to 71,527 tonnes , mainly exports of wheat and barley from East Anglian farms .
28 Early works , like the tomb of Ilaria or the Trenta altar , display an uncanny ability to keep Gothic and Renaissance elements in balance , but Jacopo della Quercia 's gifts found a perfect statement in relief sculpture , from the Fonte Gaia of his middle years to the main portal of San Petronio , on which he worked intermittently from 1425 until his death in 1438 .
29 ‘ B ’ movie fans will know that Wells Fargo 's stagecoaches proved a lucrative source of income for the less scrupulous members of the old West who made their living by robbing them .
30 One of Linskog 's patients had a lymphatic tumour which had become resistant to radiotherapy ; situated in the jaw , it was making eating and breathing difficult .
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