Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 While Smart 's contemporaries failed to appreciate the sublimity of his Song to David , later critics have signally failed to agree on its construction and Smart 's own note of explanation does not quite match the case .
2 Michele 's fingers moved to hold the warmth of her nape and his mouth covered hers .
3 The thought provoking verses of the songs and Sister 's words served to challenge the ministers to be open to meeting Christ in the daily situation of life .
4 Moments after sentencing , a crowd of several hundred of Gotti 's supporters attempted to storm the Brooklyn courtroom .
5 Snaith was a Peculiar , ie it had its own ecclesiastical court and in many ways it was exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishop , which may explain the fact that the Bishop 's inspectors came to interview the brothers at Snaith for reported ‘ indiscretions ’ and were unable to carry out their inspection because the brothers had summoned the ferry to the Snaith bank so they could not cross the river !
6 Despite this admirable record , Liverpool 's directors decided to break the sequence when Mr Fagan retired in 1985 by seeking a replacement in the dressing room .
7 The doctors made monoclonal antibodies against the attacking white cells in the transfused blood and Bryan 's parents agreed to try the treatment in a desperate attempt to save him .
8 ( So firm is the grip held by the revived quantity theory of money nowadays that few of the monetarists or new classical macroeconomists who followed in Friedman 's footsteps bothered to elucidate the mechanism by which changes in M s ( or in ) affect W and P. They just do . )
9 When PW 's concerns failed to move the Bank
10 That would come after ten years of Deng 's reforms failed to meet the expectations they had created .
11 Boves 's mestizos aimed to exterminate the creoles and to destroy their property .
12 X 's servants attempted to put the fire out and Z's gamekeeper set fire to land between the fire and some of Z's nesting pheasants .
13 Though some of the President 's advisers wished to use the crisis to drive Britain out of the nuclear deterrent business altogether , Kennedy had no intention of doing so , and insisted on a formula being found that would enable Britain to buy Polaris without jeopardizing the US policy of working towards a NATO Multilateral or Multinational nuclear force .
14 The Hunter 's wings began to strike the air , and the creature levitated off the ground .
15 Mackenzie 's men had to set the traps themselves .
16 The contractor 's men refused to pass the picket or go onto the site until the issue was peacefully settled .
17 Despite engaging in extended negotiations lasting two years , Henry 's representatives failed to persuade the pope that the case should be heard by Wolsey in England , with no right of appeal to Rome against the verdict .
18 Last year the EEC 's member-governments decided to double the size of the structural funds in the five years 1988-92 to 50 billion ecus ( $55 billion ) to offset ‘ imbalances ’ likely to be caused by the 1992 project .
19 One of the King 's companions tried to seize the apparition but it vanished . ’
20 The support manoeuvre had been undertaken in order to outbid an existing takeover offer for Distillers from the Argyll supermarket group ; in April 1986 a majority of Distillers ' shareholders voted to accept the Guinness bid , then valued at £2,700 million ( US$5,180 million ) , and the merger of Guinness and Distillers was duly completed after clearance from the Office of Fair Trading .
21 The Whigs dominated the two Commons ' committees established to consider the terms upon which the Crown should be offered to William and Mary : of forty-three men involved in drafting the Declaration of Rights , twenty-nine were Whig and fourteen Tory .
22 One of the lawyers ' wives wanted to know the secret of Ellen 's coffee , and Ellen modestly said she just followed the percolator instructions , while the truth was that she put a cupful of cheap instant coffee powder into every percolated pot .
23 The leading rural workers ' unions refused to sign the government 's " agrarian reconciliation " agreement in September on the grounds that it was an attempt to arrest agrarian reform , did not address the needs of the rural population — an estimated 170,000 families lacked sufficient land to maintain a subsistence living — and favoured private land tenure .
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