Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Committee 's activities culminated in the summoning of a People 's Convention on 12 January 1941 .
2 Curwen 's estates lay on the west Cumberland coalfield , and he took a particular interest in the collieries inherited from his father and his second wife , as well as others which he purchased and leased in the area .
3 The Board 's discussions led to a conclusion that in order to improve profitability and obtain the benefits of economy of scale , it is desirable to merge the subsidiaries into the parent company , thereby creating a single company .
4 Apart from these , only four other PJC-2s were ordered by private pilots and together with the prototype , eleven were sold when the need to build-up America 's defences led to a curb on the use of strategic materials and production ceased .
5 All Claudia 's defences rose to the attack .
6 Sadly , when Sir Louis retired , the Board 's cruises came to an end .
7 When Carco called to see the paintings Zborowski ran to buy a candle , stuck it into the neck of a bottle , then showed Carco into a narrow , unfurnished room where a stack of Modigliani 's canvases stood in the corner .
8 The dark hole of the ship 's innards gaped for a moment .
9 It was a beautiful beach , and Breeze 's fingers itched for a paintbrush .
10 As Valence obeyed , the paraplegic 's fingers clawed at the air , as though inscribing some complex , arcane pattern .
11 Caroline 's fingers froze over the typewriter keys .
12 Terhune 's fingers flew over the keyboard , pulling a close-range weapons menu out of the memory .
13 Edward 's fingers drummed on the edge of the desk .
14 Bernice 's fingers drummed on the plastic of the dashboard .
15 Jezrael 's fingers crisped into the grit beneath her ; even her face worked with the adrenalin that surged up , so much did she want to shove him away and make him save himself .
16 Instead of trying to explain the extinction and replacement of species in terms of observable causes , Lyell 's opponents looked to the patterns revealed in the fossil record to explain the history of life on earth .
17 While other workers have published careful studies showing modest , often transitory , benefits of training for IQ , Heber 's projects stood as a beacon of hope for dramatic and lasting benefits , and also as the defence against those who say that IQ has proved disappointingly hard to budge .
18 There was a sudden crash , and then a woman 's screams rang through the night .
19 The Party 's tentacles reached into every nook and cranny of people 's lives , leaving them little room for manoeuvre and none whatsoever for criticism of the regime .
20 Her gran 's lips disappeared in a cat 's cradle of lines , her etched brow crumpled a tangled web over her eyes .
21 Jim Lancaster 's lips twitched into a smile of relief and he led them towards the hall .
22 Dane 's lips quirked in a smile of wry amusement .
23 But when she took Lucy 's hand and smiled at her , trying to convey some of the warmth she felt , Lucy 's lips smiled for a half-second and she took her hand away .
24 Becky 's eyes fell on the picture of the Virgin Mary and Child the moment Charlie placed the little painting on the bed .
25 Billy 's eyes stared at the wad in disbelief .
26 Women giggled while men in the audience whistled and shouted — orange-showered down for the Gallery — wags shouted encouragement as Hubert 's eyes bulged under the strain of it all .
27 ‘ Get Hammond in here , ’ he said , noting the way his assistant 's eyes went to the boy .
28 Schmidt 's eyes went to the sound .
29 Peter 's eyes lingered on the line that swept from her head down her neck to her shoulder and along her extended arm .
30 So he calls the heart a wild beast liable to impulsive leaps out of control , a situation archetypally illustrated in the story of the Fall when Eve 's eyes leapt to the apple and her heart followed and so she leapt from Paradise to the pains of mortality and took all men with her .
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