Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mortimer 's estates were taken into the king 's hands , but , in contrast to his father in 1322 and Mortimer himself in 1327 , Edward did not immediately use the confiscated lands to underpin the power of another group of favourites .
2 Kinnock 's shifts were justified by the need to recover support which slid away between 1979 and 1983 .
3 Twenty of Ehret 's illustrations were included in the sumptuous Hortus Cliffortanianus ( 1738 ) .
4 When the Commission 's proposals were incorporated into the Criminal Law Act 1977 , the Board took pains to convince the Home Office that the viewing of films in private could as easily become a social activity , with some persons at greater risk in a private flat than in a public cinema .
5 One of Mr Smith 's fingers was cut to the bone in the attack , which was prompted by a row over a noisy motorcycle , it was heard .
6 The architect 's plans were exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1899 .
7 The government 's plans were criticized by the Co-ordinating Committee of Democratic Forces of Ghana ( CCDFG ) , an opposition alliance group launched in August 1991 .
8 On most occasions the Committee 's views were sustained in the Council of Ministers .
9 Kitson 's views were derided by the establishment but he had important influence in both radical and lunatic fringe circles .
10 Palmer 's views were shared by the other Northern Residents who , early in his career as Lieutenant-Governor , were organized by him into an effective pressure group known as the Conference of Residents .
11 A Congress of People 's Deputies was elected from the whole country , but it contained too many deputies to be an effective parliamentary assembly .
12 Is he aware that only last week there was another incident of water pollution where a known carcinogen , formaldehyde , was tipped into the river and only fortuitously the company 's intakes were closed at the time ?
13 Fox 's woes were compounded by the emergence of Dale Gordon , who took his place on the wing and kept it until leaving for Rangers in November 1991 .
14 Last year SmithKline Beecham , who make Ribena , were forced to come to a secret cash deal with a dozen families who threatened a court case claiming their children 's teeth were rotted by the so-called ‘ healthy ’ baby drink .
15 In effect , therefore , Gloucester 's offices were concentrated in the east of Lancashire , where they formed an extension of his West Riding interests , and elsewhere he yielded place to the Stanleys .
16 In effect , therefore , Gloucester 's offices were concentrated in the east of Lancashire , where they formed an extension of his West Riding interests , and elsewhere he yielded place to the Stanleys .
17 Now this is an appalling situation , er th the B C C I 's books were certified by the auditors as a true and fair record from December nineteenth er December thirty first nineteen er eighty seven forward a and that meant that people had confidence in B C C I , here we 're told that the auditors are giving it er a certificate of a a true and fair record er encouraging therefore people to in t to invest and yet prior to nineteen eighty nine Price Waterhouse knew of gross irregularities er in B C C I 's handling of loads , particularly the load to C C A H which was the holding company for First American er bank shares .
18 He added that , in the meanwhile , DK had entered a number of new geographical markets , including Taiwan , Korea , Thailand , India , Argentina , Mexico and the Middle East ; and that the decline in sales of children 's books was offset by the very strong growth in adult titles .
19 The rest of the queen-dowager 's words were drowned by the prince 's whoops of joy — and the cardinal , kept waiting for over an hour , hearing the hullabaloo , exchanged relieved glances with his fellows .
20 Ernest 's words were drowned in the call which went up from the ship , and the outburst of cheering from the Flamingo 's passengers .
21 On April 28 , Hekmatyar 's fighters were ejected from the Interior Ministry , their final stronghold .
22 As a nationally ‘ Approved Association ’ under the 1921 Act , the WEA 's Districts were recognised in the 1924 Regulations as ‘ Responsible Bodies ’ because they organised , controlled and provided courses and classes , as did the universities .
23 However , in an apparent backlash against radical reformers by the conservative wing of the ruling National Salvation Front ( NSF ) , two of Roman 's nominees were rejected by the National Assembly when the proposals were put to a vote on April 30 .
24 Michael Banks 's eyes were lit with the panic of a man about to dry .
25 His shirt hung open as he sat again , and Theda 's eyes were riveted to the long column of his neck , the golden glow of his chest below it .
26 The children 's eyes were riveted on the Headmistress .
27 For little Adam 's eyes were damaged in the battle to save his life , after he was born more than three months prematurely .
28 Bella 's eyes were fixed on the television screen : she did n't even turn her head .
29 Lucinda 's eyes were fixed on the glass .
30 He stood erect with his head thrown back , his chin jutting upwards , his mouth twitching slightly in fear , but his jaw set in defiance and bravado , as John had seen men look when clumsy hands , working without anaesthetics , had probed to extract shell-splinters from their limbs , The boy 's eyes were fixed on the master .
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