Example sentences of "['s] [noun pl] [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Letterman 's activities are characterized by bustle and urgency .
2 Traditionally , the firm 's accounts were based on ledger cards running on a mechanical accounting machine which worked flat out from morning until night The sheer volume of work restricted the capacity to process data efficiently .
3 WOMEN 'S talents were going to waste , said Commons Speaker Betty Boothroyd .
4 But the craftsmen 's talents were crippled by unemployment , while high taxation on the former governing classes made it difficult for them to commission buildings or goods of a quality acceptable to Lutyens and his contemporaries .
5 On 30 June Brent London Borough Council 's solicitors were put on notice that M. was complaining that he had not been served personally by them with a copy of the formal order and arranged that he be so served on 3 July .
6 Erm , my Lord the defendant 's solicitors were told in correspondence that we would be calling a conveyancing expert .
7 Crammed with sausage , potatoes , eggs , bread and ham , the pig 's innards are simmered in salt water for three hours .
8 Most of Henry 's prisoners were freed without ransom and given their lands back .
9 The government 's proposals were met with opposition from all the other participants in CODESA , except the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party .
10 I know that he will lose no opportunity to make it clear to employers and workers in that industry how devastating the prospects for their jobs would be if the Labour party 's proposals were put into effect .
11 ProActive 's products were developed in collaboration with Mohr general partner , William Davidow .
12 Possibly some of the Barrett 's cases were recognised before fundoplication , as oesophageal biopsy specimens were not taken then in five of 25 patients , including two of those in whom follow up endoscopy showed the condition .
13 The military market puts no stop on growth since Euravia 's projects are labelled as cost-saving
14 As Percivall noted in 1843 ‘ One of the Professor 's projects was crowned with signal success ; and for this his name must be handed to posterity with no ordinary eclat — I mean his introduction of Ventilation into stables and other places used as the habitations of horses and cattle .
15 One of Vaughn Burlingham 's seabirds is made from buckeye burr ( Aesculus octandra ) and osage orange ( Maclura pomifera ) the other is in Californian redwood burr ( Sequoia sempervirens ) and maple .
16 The Council 's views are taken into account in representing your interests and well before a change takes place , we publish details in post offices and , where necessary , announce it in the press and other places for media advertising .
17 The findings and the secretary of state 's views are taken into account by the Commissioners .
18 The problem is , when re-organising in terms of place , to make sure that people 's wishes are taken into consideration .
19 This shows significant differences : women 's wishes were taken into account most frequently when they were informally admitted or not admitted .
20 A turbulent third day 's debate at the Congress of People 's Deputies was marked by emotion and alarms over a report — later discounted — that troops were approaching the Kremlin .
21 What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel : ‘ The fathers eat sour grapes , and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ ?
22 The visiting of the iniquity of their fathers on to succeeding generations in the Third Commandment , the banning of ‘ he that hath a flat nose ’ , and the writing ‘ the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ are suggestive of the stigmata of congenital syphilis .
23 The last three questions in the section on women 's roles are connected with training .
24 Travis 's eyes were gleaming with mischief , though his face was grave when he looked at Paige .
25 Silver 's eyes were filled with anger .
26 Barbara 's eyes were blazing with anger now , an ice-cold fire reflecting back .
27 Kruger-Daine 's eyes were glowing with malevolence .
28 The hotel 's bedrooms are equipped with telephone and hair dryer .
29 Fergie 's worries are compounded by suspension , injuries and the foreigners rule which will force him to bring in one 17-year-old youth player — and have three others on the bench .
30 The whole tangled web of each other 's relationships was getting to breaking-point .
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