Example sentences of "a [adv] closer to " in BNC.

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1 By the end of it all the mind-body problem will loom large — but this may be because we are now a little closer to it .
2 Three papers published recently in Science move us a little closer to understanding the basis of the disease , which turns out to be highly complex .
3 In this talk I want us to consider an image which I believe takes us a little closer to the meaning of the cross — the image of reconciliation and representation .
4 When they had quenched their thirst a little , they returned to the bushes to pick more berries , staying a little closer to each other .
5 She moved a little closer to him .
6 Whatever the wider influences the producers themselves were just experimenting , trying to cut costs and to standardize production , and trying to whip up some interest by injecting a little sensationalism into their films by sailing a little closer to the wind .
7 In Part Two I will suggest that if they are pushed a little closer to the classical position , via some judicious reinterpretation , the problems dealt with above are eased considerably .
8 If forced to be more exact , I think I would put the figure a little closer to 20 per cent than 30 per cent .
9 He shifted his stool a little closer to Roxborough 's ; at the same time , he organized a few ounces of beer into the young man 's jacket pocket .
10 The girl moved a little closer to the man , who put his hand ponderously , patriarchally , on her near shoulder .
11 The attendant watched her , hoping that she would get a little closer to the picture , so that he could relieve the boredom of his long day by telling her to stand back .
12 She came a little closer to Huy .
13 There is a skill in coping with real life software and once you realise this fact you can start to live with your computer in something a little closer to harmony !
14 I would still however consider that the stop north of Scotmid would be a little closer to Low 's shop then the next stop once it is relocated at the southern end of St Patrick Square .
15 Kate said nothing , just cuddled a little closer to his bare chest , if that were possible , listening to the rapid beat of his heart .
16 I thank him with a glance and push it a little closer to her .
17 She knew they 'd been on the verge of drawing at least a little closer to each other , yet she had been the one to ruin the opportunity .
18 The minders moved a little closer to him and the partition shut out his view of the rest of the changing room .
19 Crawling a little closer to the heat , she wrapped herself up and lay down , pillowing her head on her arm as she stared at the flickering flames .
20 Well a little closer to home now for the rest of the sport in our roundup .
21 Are n't there causes a little closer to home they could be investigating ?
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