Example sentences of "a [adj] attitude to " in BNC.

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1 With its declining membership the ILP tended to adopt a purist attitude to other Left groups .
2 Swallow explained ‘ They had a low-key attitude to the region and had just wanted to get a foot in the door .
3 ‘ I think he has a terrific attitude to the game .
4 An individual 's attitude to the question of the political context in which the legal system operates will depend on whether he or she takes a supportive attitude to the political status quo or wishes to challenge it .
5 They may ( or may not ) have been created that way , but , once they have been determined , we store our beliefs more efficiently in the form of symbols ( shorthand words and phrases which reflect a complete attitude to and assessment of a person or situation — e.g. ‘ She is a poor performer ’ ) and scripts ( models of how we act once certain situations are recognized ) .
6 But both Pound and Lewis were American or Americanized enough to have on the contrary a professional attitude to their respective arts , in the quite precise sense that they saw the continuity of art traditions ensured by the atelier , the master instructing his prentices .
7 No matter how badly your set goes , if you have a professional attitude to your work and a friendly disposition , you will find that people will want to work with you again .
8 Sinton runs ‘ Safe And Sound Management ’ — the North 's only professional rock management company — and he has constantly preached the virtues of cultivating a professional attitude to even the greenest garage band .
9 Spurious consultation , a patronising attitude to teachers , and a tendency to regard all criticism as captious and ill-formed , are — while not unknown among headteachers — unlikely to win the hearts and minds of those who actually have to make things happen .
10 I was n't really disappointed at all ; I had a devil-may-care attitude to my athletics .
11 The reason people thought she was naked all through the film was because she displayed a different attitude to sex from the one that prevailed in films at that time .
12 In West Germany , every residential facility has to have a residents ' committee by law — this may not work in every case , but it speaks of a different attitude to the residents themselves .
13 They seemed to have a different attitude to the lecturers and were not afraid to go to them for elucidation of points they did not fully understand , and in tutorials showed their wider knowledge , and their readiness to think for themselves rather than just reproduce what they had learned from textbooks and lectures .
14 The RAF said : ‘ These days we have a different attitude to signs of stress and battle fatigue than they did , perhaps , in the two world wars . ’
15 In relation to a repetition test , he argues that the negro children who failed because they did not repeat the teacher 's utterance in the same form were really being failed for a different attitude to surface detail .
16 With these changes came a different attitude to legislation .
17 ‘ I know people have a different attitude to things now than we had before the war , but you and Chris are still the same sort of people .
18 The Romans had a different attitude to translations from that of the Greeks .
19 Louise Kearney 's mole was successfully removed , but the experience has left Louise with a different attitude to sun worshipping .
20 Oh no no , it was really a happy-go-lucky time you , you had to be alive in those days to appreciate it , it , people sort of got together and it , it 's a different attitude to life today er much more friendly people there and they , we all worked together we all pulled together to defeat Hitler this , this was the thing in those days .
21 Donnison and Soto point out that the ‘ establishment ’ in Britain has always had a dismissive attitude to the third category .
22 As the previous chapter showed , many aspects of growing up in today 's world encourage such a dismissive attitude to religion .
23 A proper attitude to water
24 Night Goblin Squig Hunters have a carefree attitude to the dangers posed by huge and hungry Cave Squigs .
25 He has such expertise and a liberal attitude to such matters .
26 more companies are in receivership and when manufacturing investment is down by 19 per cent. , how can the Government justify taking such a listless attitude to the needs of British industry ?
27 Bolivian President Jaime Paz Zamora reported that during his May meeting in Washington with US President George Bush the latter had shown a serious attitude to the drug problem ( the US government having agreed almost to double Bolivia 's anti-drug aid , to $33,000,000 ) .
28 ‘ It means children acquire a serious attitude to their school work and it 's a good habit , ’ says Mr McCabe .
29 ‘ The board has a contemporary attitude to graphics , people who 'll come up with ideas in the future .
30 It is a similar attitude to that of children and adolescents who have their secret understandings and life-styles which are often , quite intentionally , separate from those of parents , teachers and others of the ‘ older ’ generation .
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