Example sentences of "['s] [adj] [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The draft agreement would guarantee Guatemalan access to the Caribbean and could , if ratified by both sides and confirmed by public referendum , lead to the abandonment of Guatemala 's historic claim to sovereignty over Belize .
2 The administration 's strongest criticism to date of Mobutu came in testimony to the Senate foreign relations committee on Nov. 7 by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Herman Cohen , who accused Mobutu of " an apparent unwillingness to distinguish between state finances and his own , a failing that lies at the heart of Zaïre 's dismal economic record " .
3 The LTA 's principal claim to fame at the end of 1992 will be the same as it is now — the richest tennis organisation in the world .
4 Profoundly yet lightly and yet again oh so generously imagined , he turns the novel 's transpersonal unsteadiness to joy for us and sheer astonishment , and its cancer-growth of rumour to life 's health through art 's freedom .
5 I first discovered Emily 's dubious devotion to duty in Cannes , when a French Moroccan chap caught hold of my arm in an attempt to sell me a lurid rug .
6 ‘ They jointly commit themselves to Ireland 's national right to self-determination on the whole island .
7 By all the rules of the market , Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 3000 business computer family should be going the way of the Wang Laboratories Inc VS and the Nixdorf Computer AG 8870 , but in defiance of crude market logic , the machine is going from strength to strength , bolstered by the company 's relaxed approach to migration to Unix : because HP 3000 users know they can relatively painlessly convert to Unix any time they choose , the majority are happy to stay right where they are , and the company claims that its high-end HP 3000 system business actually grew more than 50% last year , and the much-derided Posix interface is actually enabling it to pick up applications from Unix .
8 According to the judge , the ‘ decency clause ’ another compromise with Congressmen who threatened to dissolve the NEA was so vaguely worded that it tends to impinge on the First Amendment 's guaranteed right to freedom of speech .
9 On Sept. 24 a specially convened ALP party conference in Canberra reversed the party 's traditional hostility to privatization by backing the government 's plans to allow a degree of competition for Telecom , the state-owned telecommunications authority , and to sell Australian Airlines ( the state-owned domestic airline ) and 49 per cent of Quantas , the national overseas carrier .
10 ‘ unless … ( a ) the court has deprived the first defendant ( as mortgagee ) of any relevant costs ; or ( b ) the court has ordered taxation of any relevant costs on some other basis save where there is no inconsistency between such an order and the preservation of the first defendant 's contractual right to payment of such costs ( for example , where such an order has been , or is hereafter , made against the mortgagors or any of them and other persons joined as co-plaintiffs or co-defendants with the mortgagors or any of them ) .
11 Nor was it surprising that after the apparently mindless brutality of the Amin years , Obote 's eventual return to power in 1980 was characterized by the continuing dominance of the army as the real force in Ugandan politics , supporting a parliamentary facade of no real legitimacy .
12 It is now fairly clear , moreover , that political considerations , of not wishing to be seen as having ‘ destroyed the value of the pound sterling ’ , were of major importance in the Labour government 's initial resistance to devaluation in 1967 quite apart from powerful pressures against devaluation being exerted on it by the Bank of England [ Tomlinson , 1985 ] .
13 In this case a child 's shortest distance to school along public thoroughfares was just less than 3 miles .
14 The speech , which was the fourth of five setting out Mr Lang 's long-term approach to policy in Scotland , concentrated on establishing discipline and respect for education , through ‘ a triangle of trust between parents , teachers and children ’ .
15 This should be seen in the context of the UK Government 's attempts to salvage the Maastricht Treaty by emphasising the principle of subsidiarity as well as in the context of the UK 's general hostility to regulation of labour and social affairs matters at EC level .
16 These represent the government 's formal request to Parliament for cash to finance the major part of central government 's expenditure .
17 To bring our participants ' social world to life in the kind of detail that is likely to carry conviction we must not just plunge into descriptions of the world of school and football ground , since without the concepts to see it no alternative to the official picture is likely to emerge .
18 The new Bernheim plant represents United Distillers ' continued commitment to investment in its Bourbon brands .
19 But after the 1960s merger which created NatWest , Lloyds ' own plan to merger with Barclays was blocked .
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