Example sentences of "['s] [noun] had [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Boz 's manner was still threatening , but Seb 's response had taken him by surprise .
2 Beryl 's words had impressed him at the time because they summed up his own vague feeling that what had happened and what was happening might be consequences of the old man 's cynical , even malicious contrivings .
3 Only Anthea 's insistence had brought him to her room , where matters had taken their own turn .
4 Richard 's catastrophe had brought him to himself .
5 If Fiver 's horrors had kept him above ground all night in the rain , oblivious of cold and prowling elil , then clearly it was not going to he easy to talk him out of them .
6 From the photograph of it which still exists ( Plate 16 ) , it would appear that the reason Minton destroyed it was that its use of stylisation was no longer acceptable after Tindle 's self-portrait had converted him to a more realist approach , in part inspired by Freud .
7 Simon 's uncle had taken him under his wing , so Simon and his wife , Mary , half lived there .
8 Walesa 's critics had accused him of dangerous populism which threatened political and economic stability .
9 His father 's men had told him of Marion Aluinn .
10 The angry look on the judge 's sallow face showed that either his attendance in court that morning or Cranston 's arrival had put him in an ill humour .
11 The plaintiff could not prove that the defendant knew it was a secret process either because of its nature or because he had been specifically told that it was and Vaisey J pointed out that if it were really secret it was surprising that the defendant 's employment had brought him into contact with it ; he had been to prison in the past .
12 ‘ Simon 's childhood had left him with a feeling of inadequacy and a strong envious streak , which meant he found it difficult to live with the idea of an associate being better than him .
13 When Grant 's shout had spurred him into action , Jim Miller had seized Louise 's hand and pulled her after him , as he bolted to safety among the trees .
14 Nothing in his many years ' service had prepared him for this sort of situation .
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