Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So it is to most fish 's advantage to grow to their maximum size as quickly as possible .
2 It was Marje 's decision to confess to her secret relationship with the dashing newspaper lawyer .
3 There is also a certain problem in taking women 's freedom to dispose of their own sexuality as an indicator of their influence and power in general , as is tacitly suggested by both Morgan and Engels .
4 Throughout the dispute Kenneth Clarke , the Secretary of State for Health , declared the government 's determination to adhere to its original offer of a 9 per cent increase over 18 months ( up to 16.3 per cent for the most highly qualified personnel ) .
5 American industrialists , critical of the performance of the occupation , had urged a reversal of policy so as to increase Japan 's capacity to stand on her own feet and not to receive excessive subsidies from the United States .
6 In 1989 , when Miss T. was 17 or 18 , she moved from her mother 's home to live with her paternal grandmother .
7 Sometimes it was Ruth 's job to look after them both , though not often , since Edward had his own governess , Miss Fitch , who was omnipresent and jealously guarded her position .
8 The proposal to harmonize VAT rates is one which cuts across the UK 's wish to cling to its fiscal sovereignty .
9 It was her father 's habit to refer to his approaching death as a sort of cosmic joke .
10 This allows the description of Mariana 's surroundings to relate to her own mental condition .
11 But then William had had to build the castle because he had permitted the defeated Harold 's widow to remain in her own hall .
12 At an even deeper level medicine destroys a people 's ability to deal with their own vulnerability and weakness in an autonomous and personal way by attacking traditional cultural values , routines and rituals which allowed individuals to make meaningful the universal human experience of pain , suffering and death .
13 Self-confidence describes the dog 's ability to act on his own initiative and to face stressful situations without becoming fearful .
14 Although certain forms of severe mental handicap can lead to a limited life-expectancy , medical skills are improving considerably ; for example , it is common for Down 's adults to live into their fifties and sixties .
15 It was November and the nights drawing in , and they went after tea , telling the nans they were going to a friend 's house to play with his electric trains .
16 The steering committee has opted for quality , downplaying the innumerable replicas from the painter 's workshop to focus on his extraordinary evolution from provincial artist to one of the great protagonists of Venetian art .
17 The emotions have been likened to a musical instrument and it is a man 's task to play upon its uttermost strings .
18 I give space for others , and allow others ' plans to come before my own .
19 Overall , the studies suggest that the children 's adjustment following divorce is related first to consistent and on-going relationships with both parents ; and secondly , which is central to our discussion , to the parents ' ability to co-operate in their respective parenting roles , that is , co-operation without rancour or conflict .
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