Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After pledging £20,000 for wheelchair races , the region 's support increased to £95,000 after a substantial shortfall in the commercial sponsorship which now appears certain to be repeated this year unless additional major supporters can be found .
2 The titles of the lectures included : Dr. Crawford on " The four stages of man 's existence considered in relation to Health and disease " and later on " Physiology ; " Mr Hector McLean on " Taste , " " Highland Poetry & Romance " and " The Study of Geology ; " Mr Chisholm on " Social Reform ; " Mr Lerach on " Burns ; " Mr Dewar on " Electricity ; " Mr Coath on " The Acquisition of Knowledge , " " The Study of Political & Constitutional History and its bearing on Christianity " and " Mental Philosophy ; " Rev. Hugh Monroe on " The Connection of Revelation with Geology " and " Our English Bible ; " Rev. McFadyen on " Rising in Life ; " Dr. Blair on " The Atmosphere " and " Health " where he condemned the Port Ellen water supply ; Colin Hay on " Agriculture & Commerce " and " Instinct & Reason . "
3 Many of Léon Cohn-Casson 's contemporaries converted in order to be more French .
4 By 1840 George Cloud 's omnibuses left for London from the ‘ George IV ’ inn on Turnham Green , every half-hour during the day , also three Carriers left daily for London .
5 The nearest attempt to a child 's entitlement expressed by adults on their behalf lies in the United Nations Charter .
6 fellow peasants carry Colas into Mother Simone 's kitchen hidden in sheaves of corn so that he can meet Lise .
7 Classic narrative film , said Mulvey , constructs a male viewer by privileging the look of the male protagonist at the woman character(s) : as the camera follows this fictional male gaze so also is the spectator 's look directed at woman as object .
8 Chidzero 's budget allowed for expenditure in the year to June 30 , 1991 , to rise to Z$8,200 million ( US$3,350 million ) from Z$6,400 million in 1989-90 .
9 ‘ PC Allen ’ is steamed up at Page 's Park shed in readiness for its return to passenger service on June 20 .
10 Mayne 's squadron assembled at Kufra in dribs and drabs by the beginning of October .
11 The EC and EFTA countries account for 70% of Scotland 's exports compared with 68% in last year 's survey .
12 The fifth ( extraordinary ) session of the Congress of People 's Deputies opened in Moscow on Oct. 28 .
13 Alexander 's mind shifted from conflict over his intentions to certainty that The Yellow Chair was what he was writing .
14 From August 1982 to August 1984 , GKR 's turnover increased from £963000 to £2.5m. , and profits from £46000 to £439000 .
15 ‘ The raid scenes are terrific , ’ he would say after a day 's shooting flushed with love of his work .
16 joined the Royal Shakespeare Company playing Henry V , Laertes and King of Navarre in Love 's Labours Lost at Stratford upon Avon and in the Barbican Theatre , London .
17 Beverley Allitt 's weight dropped from 13st to 7st before the start of her trial at Nottingham Crown Court and defence barrister James Hunt QC told the jury she is suffering from severe anorexia .
18 Beverley Allitt 's weight dropped from 13st to 7st before the start of her trial at Nottingham Crown Court and a defence barrister , James Hunt , QC , told the jury she was suffering from severe anorexia .
19 The tall woman 's eyes swept from screen to screen .
20 Ruth 's eyes filled with tears at life 's cruelty and she had to swallow hard to stop them spilling .
21 Ruth 's eyes filled with pain at the truth of that blunt statement .
22 The girl 's eyes widened in surprise at her ignorance .
23 Barak 's eyes shifted from Laidlaw to Graham .
24 Miss Hardbroom 's eyes bored into Mildred like a laser-beam the moment they came into view .
25 His fingertip barely touched the place it should have been , but the smile had faded , replaced by tension , and Luke 's eyes darkened in response to the turbulence that had entered hers .
26 I would find the same difficulty in putting down words for a dragonfly above a summer pond or a new spider 's web hung with dew on a spring hedgerow .
27 Here a useful parallel may be found not in law , but in Remigius 's admonition addressed to Clovis at the start of his reign : although the king was still pagan he was advised to listen to his bishops .
28 Soldiers are compelled to fight , to bleed , to die , to safeguard the interest of the Crown and the State — and Blake makes a metaphor out of that connection by having the soldier 's sigh run in blood down the walls of the palace .
29 In 1981 a leaked memo from the Chief Medical Officer at the DHSS warned of the dangers to young children 's intelligence posed by lead in petrol , and in 1983 a Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution published a strong recommendation that immediate action should be taken to remove lead from petrol .
30 John Knox , at the time of the queen 's return established as minister of St Giles , denounced her religious compromises from the pulpit and in a series of interviews endeavoured to persuade her to give up her idolatrous views , regretfully concluding that she was ‘ indurate against God and his truth ’ .
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