Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His father 's ghost had returned in the tangle of late-summer foliage , the first fall of the leaves , the tentative autumn smells .
2 In Britain the scanty government services provided to the nation 's merchants had come until the 1860s almost entirely from the board of trade .
3 Mr Lamont , who sees the Budget as his attempt at political rehabilitation , was boastful , saying he believed last year 's Budget had contributed to the Tory victory at the election and this one would also prove a winner in the next election in 1996 ‘ or whenever the election comes ’ .
4 In general , the baby 's wishes had tended in the past to be suspect , and the mother had been expected to look for some non-permissible motive behind them , in the form either of dangerous ( probably erotic ) impulses or of a rebellious determination to dominate the mother-in either case , constant control of the child was called for , and only the baby who had submitted himself completely to the mother 's control could be called a good baby .
5 But by November 1914 , the Allies knew that Spee 's squadron had moved to the coast of South America and only the Emden could intercept the convoy .
6 Sheikh al Hassan 's mind had returned to the important meeting before him .
7 News of Dr Khan 's murder had eddied amongst the foreign specialists on the project .
8 His move , in January 1988 , turned out to be one of the scheduling masterstrokes of the ‘ 80s , and within months the soap 's ratings had soared towards the 20 million mark and the top to the TV charts .
9 Yussuf 's ex-wife had come to the police station and would not go away .
10 Ron 's glance had fallen upon the huge mound of nettle roots and bramble stems that was the product of Edward 's afternoon .
11 If only there is a way — ’ And stopped , because Nuadu 's eyes had gone to the silver door .
12 Lucenzo 's eyes had strayed to the child , who was contentedly wrapped in his father 's embrace .
13 Alison 's eyes had brightened at the word ‘ divorce ’ and she said that she would go on seeing him .
14 After a moment Fenella 's eyes grew used to the dimness and she could see quite plainly into the room .
15 Meanwhile Grom 's attentions had turned to the west and to the coastal regions of the Empire .
16 By August 1991 W. 's condition had deteriorated to the point at which for a short time she had to be fed by nasogastric tube and have her arms encased in plaster .
17 But after Dave Bassett 's side had clung to the 2-1 lead provided by John Gannon 's opening strike of the season , the only first that actually mattered was United 's position in the Second Division .
18 A couple of years earlier , Jacko 's investment had consisted of the introduction of a group of very willing young ladies to his previously well liquored stag party of civic and other dignitaries .
19 Amal 's parents had travelled to the Emirates for the weekend and would not return until Saturday noon .
20 Emmie filled his water bowl , found an egg that Oliver 's hen had laid in the hole under the sink .
21 Roger Cook 's cameraman had mingled with the crowds … and taken pictures of drug dealers .
22 In the case of Sgt Soles , the Department said that Mrs Marsden 's inquiry had resulted in the discovery that his widow , who had remarried by was now very ill , was entitled to have her widow 's pension reinstated under new legislation and this had now been done .
23 And last night it was revealed that the murdered child 's body had lain at the scene for over four hours because of fears of another blast .
24 In the history of the Vietnamese communist movement , as Duiker says , the Eighth Plenum is traditionally regarded as the moment when nationalism and a rural strategy of people 's war became identified as the two pillars of Vietnamese revolutionary doctrine .
25 Delaney 's bomb had shaken through the ship , vibrating the steel like a tuning fork .
26 Dorothy 's husband had plumbed in the second-hand washing machine for her , and refused to accept money , taken all Saturday morning doing it .
27 As a result of all this Esau 's name became blackened among the Jews .
28 By 1977 , the movement 's name had changed to the World Community of Islam in the West .
29 What in God 's name had happened to the British ?
30 He raised his hand , and with brusque , impersonal fingers which nevertheless had a surprising lightness of touch he felt the edges of the cut de Guichet 's whip had left on the smooth cheek .
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