Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [coord] [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 While learning at an RYA centre guarantees success , there will always be people who will learn on a friend 's board or prefer to buy a board and teach themselves .
2 Kavalek has the latest computer software to analyse Karpov 's play and has assembled a database of 260,000 Grandmaster games which includes almost every move Karpov has played .
3 I 've received the second half of BB 's script and have sent a copy on to her in Bath .
4 No reduction in damages was made for the plaintiff 's failure to wear a seat belt even though he was found after the collision hanging out of the defendant 's car and had suffered a severe blow to the head .
5 The statement confirmed that ministers had discussed a draft resolution concerning NATO 's future and expected to complete a review of the alliance 's political aims by May 1991 .
6 He had been surprised at the speed of Grant 's reaction and had received a painful , though superficial flesh wound in his left thigh from the knife thrust .
7 It has set up a Directorate of Women 's Affairs and has sponsored a musical show , ‘ The Women ’ s Vision ’ , which is taken around the villages by travelling artists .
8 One of these , Amjab Awan , claimed that he was once Noriega 's banker and had managed a secret account for him .
9 The committee , as if for protection against the masses , elected to follow Auguste 's example and had reserved a first-class railway compartment on the 10.45 express from Victoria .
10 I got the colleague 's address and went to have a word with him .
11 List MdBs must emulate them if they wish to safeguard their place on their party 's list or hope to win a constituency seat at the next election .
12 Scarlet did not believe this for a moment , which was why she held reality at arm 's length and had to see a therapist about it .
13 AS UNITED were booed off the pitch , a supporter leaned into the director 's box and tried to thrust a £5 note into the hands of Amer Midani , urging him to buy out the chairman , Martin Edwards .
14 As usual , there was discussion on improving the Club 's premises and included laying a woodblock floor .
15 Associates of the Institute must have served in a solicitor 's office for three years and have passed four examination papers in law and Fellows must be over 25 , have served eight years in a solicitor 's office and have passed a further three examinations from a list of subjects offered by the Institute .
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