Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [adv] [verb] up the " in BNC.

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1 And there is a good account of the infamous Nixon/Kennedy TV debate when Kennedy 's aide even turned up the heat in Nixon 's dressing-room to make him sweat more .
2 Caught inextricably in that cycle , with pregnancies to confuse and exacerbate the situation , Elizabeth Titford 's body finally gave up the struggle in June ; with tragic inevitability , we might be tempted to say , looking back with the advantage of hindsight .
3 The Waterline , then , returns to its origins , as the case study which is Billy 's life painfully dredges up the first scenes of his disorder .
4 The Cuban exile forces landed at the Bay of Pigs ( 17 April 1961 ) , but no rising took place and Castro 's forces easily rounded up the invaders .
5 Sartre 's account thus sets up the articulation of history , univocal meaning , and totality as the indissoluble set of elements required for the validation of Marxism , necessary in order to save it from its detour from itself .
6 WHEN Ian McGeechan made his oft-quoted remark in Australia last summer that David Sole was ‘ a player 10 years ahead of his time ’ , the Lions ' coach neatly summed up the collective view of the touring party .
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