Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [verb] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 Garrett 's decision to set up in the business of metal detector manufacture was a brave one for there were in his immediate locale several rival ‘ cottage industries ’ vying to capture a share of the young and burgeoning market .
2 Mett 's luck ran out in the final .
3 At Folkestone , Allen 's Rock looks best in the opener , while John Edwards would not be sending Western Legend all the way from Hereford without a chance .
4 Although a Private Members Bill , it had been included in the Government 's programme set out in the Queen 's Speech .
5 Laura said " used " because letters were no longer brought by the postman ; after he had fallen twice from Maurice 's ill-secured gangplank , the whole morning 's mail soaked away in the great river 's load of rubbish , the GPO , with every reason on its side , had notified the Reach that they could no longer undertake deliveries .
6 Lee saw Anthea 's eyes glittering blackly in the dancing candlelight , her chin drawn up in defiance or outrage .
7 The sheriff 's reply sounded clearly in the hushed corridor , impressing the assembled kids and seeming to confirm Grant 's claim to be part of an official police operation — if any needed convincing after seeing one of the feared Apostles being dragged unconscious into an empty cubicle .
8 Anthea kicked the sand with perfect , active little toes and Wilkie 's girl lay down in the shadow of the boat , pulling him down after her , putting an arm over his sweaty waist , claiming .
9 United 's goalscoring slowed significantly in the second half of the season , but no move was made for a striker until £1 million Dion Dublin arrived in August .
10 Rob 's laughter rang out in the cosy room , the faint white lines around his eyes wrinkling against his winter tan .
11 In fact , Rich sounds remarkably like a woman in this one , and the band are like a piss-poor Jethro Tull with Marvin Gaye 's drummer popping away in the background .
12 The van 's windscreen gleamed darkly in the subdued car-park light .
13 The RIBA President , Richard MacCormac says , ‘ Rice 's work lies firmly in the tradition of the great Victorian engineers [ combining ] practicality with great beauty ’ .
14 Pakistan 's judges have not in the past stood up to presidents .
15 GRAHAM GOOCH 's Indian tour of misery reached a new low yesterday as England 's batting slumped again in the third and final Test in Bombay .
16 I read with interest John Nichol 's article Travelling Right in the April issue .
17 ‘ So , late on the Sunday night , with your father 's body propped up in the Rolls , you drive to Streatley , move a few boxes out of the deep-freeze and put your father in .
18 The ground-car 's whine died away in the distance , eaten up by the wind-ripped fog .
19 From March 1645 , when he became deputy licenser to Rushworth , until March 1647 when both men were dismissed , presumably for political reasons , Mabbott 's name appears regularly in the Stationers ' Company register .
20 ( The Sinfonia Concertante in E flat for oboe , clarinet , bassoon and horn which is played today under Mozart 's name appeared only in the 19th century : some of the music may be Mozart 's , but the work is clearly a later compilation . )
21 Finally , the world 's waters differ greatly in the amount of minerals dissolved in them .
22 The fact that so many of hierarchy 's problems show up in the form of individual misbehavior has led to one of the most widespread illusions in business , namely that a company 's managerial leadership can be significantly improved solely by doing psychotherapeutic work on the personalities and attitudes of its managers .
23 Her job is to push Cabinet ministers ‘ to do what is right ’ ; this involves reminding them of the Government 's strategy laid down in the manifestos and combating what she regards as the inertia inherent in departments .
24 Instead Rory had found out only when Ken had had his first story published , and now it was as though they were passing each other travelling in opposite directions ; Ken slowly but surely building up a reputation as a children 's story-teller while his own supposed career as a professional recounter of traveller 's tales sank gradually in the west .
25 He was the seventh seed in the men 's championship to go out in the first two rounds , a record for early exits at the tournament .
26 He was the seventh seed in the men 's championship to go out in the first two rounds , a record for early exits at the tournament .
27 This boy 's uncle 's firm ended up in the clutches of Guy Sterne 's company , and they were annihilated ! ’
28 Charles Dowd 's invention gleams dully in the half-gloom , trodden upon by the sandals and the bare feet of a people who , despite the name of their hotel , take little obvious pleasure or pride in knowing their unique status .
29 During the 1970s and 1980s , therefore , Britain 's coalfields differed significantly in the degree of militancy of the NUM members , and those differences carried through into the conduct of the 1984–5 dispute .
30 Molland 's voice grated away in the chancel .
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