Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The lessee was protected , not by a real action , but by a personal action against his lessor , in which he could recover , not the land itself , but only damages to the breach of his landlord 's contract to allow him the use of the land .
2 A good example of this is provided by the reaction provoked by the influx of the Palatines , fleeing religious persecution in Germany , and the Whig ministry 's decision to allow them the benefit of naturalisation in 1709 .
3 The Ideal had to close down , and a vandal 's brick made it the Id al , which spelled the end of an era .
4 Geoff 's mum got me a piece of cheese last week from Superkeys .
5 Densil 's mum let him a room .
6 ‘ It is the agency 's responsibility to find you the type of work you have indicated that you are interested in .
7 ‘ While I respectfully agree that recommendations of a committee may not help much when there is a possibility that Parliament may have decided to do something different , where there is no such possibility , as where the draft Bill has been enacted without alteration , in my opinion it can safely be assumed that it was Parliament 's intention to do what the committee recommended and to achieve the object the committee had in mind .
8 For instance , erm erm a good illustration of this is Locke 's erm erm argument on the right of inheritance and erm in this case I am quoting from the first treatise of government the right a son has to be maintained , has to be maintained and provided with the necessary the necessities and conveniences of life out of his father 's stock gives him a right to succeed to his father 's property for his own good but this can give him no right to succeed also to the rule which his father had over other men .
9 A brief look at the content of the women 's programme gives us a flavour of how homosexuality was represented : a good deal of time was devoted to an interview with Steve , a prospective female-to-male transsexual ( displaying a common confusion with homosexuality and transsexuality ) .
10 Russell 's eyes followed her every move as if he were looking through the sight of a gun .
11 One Friday morning the sergeant in charge of Eva 's brigade gave her the task of cleaning the brass window winders and door handles in the assembly hall .
12 The side Quiss belonged to called it Castle Doors , Ajayi 's side named it the Castle of Bequest .
13 When things are going wrong the Government 's supporters call it a failure of presentation and everyone trots out the old excuse that ‘ we are not getting the message across ’ .
14 The law 's supporters call it a victory for truth in advertising , which they predict will protect the market for authentic Indian crafts from cheap imported imitations .
15 Then the cheeky four-year-old showed off by singing her favourite song — the drinker 's ditty Show Me The Way To Go Home .
16 Winner of the agility and the egg and spoon race , Mrs. Moore 's Penny made it a treble when , kitted out as a home help , she won the fancy dress title .
17 Ramsey 's college refused him a research fellowship .
18 Eva 's parents wrote her the news .
19 Durrant 's determination won him the ball at the byeline just inside the Marseille penalty area .
20 Instead , Theda slipped into the ballroom to think about Lady Merchiston 's determination to make her a bequest .
21 Readiness refers to an individual 's attitude towards the change , and capability refers to an individual 's capacity to do whatever the change requires of him or her .
22 That was puzzling Claudia , but a moment 's reflection gave her the answer .
23 ‘ For God 's sake tell me the truth .
24 ‘ For God 's sake give me a drink , Kit . ’
25 ‘ For Pete 's sake give me a lift .
26 Bowes must have taken Nedham into God 's Gift to show him the place where the accident happened .
27 Kate 's local women 's group gives her a farewell party of disapproval veiled by loyalty .
28 She went to my daughter 's school and told them , which resulted in my daughter 's teacher making her a ward of court .
29 When they had got into bed , it was Toby 's custom to read them a chapter or two of a book — the school had a tattered library of elderly boys ' books , most of them left behind by ex-pupils .
30 The king 's original intention , goaded by the Pope 's refusal to grant him a divorce , had been to effect a greater lay control of an uncertain church .
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