Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Bissett 's difficulty lay in the time he had been allocated for his paper on the theoretical dimensions of the device .
2 But all instances share one characteristic : the author 's words become for a time the transmitters of other voices , voices that come from inside someone else 's head .
3 Doctors faced with a refusal of consent have to give very careful and detailed consideration to the patient 's capacity to decide at the time when the decision was made .
4 Doctors faced with a refusal of consent have to give very careful and detailed consideration to what was the patient 's capacity to decide at the time when the decision was made .
5 Although such testimony is important , it is a little unfortunate that Dobson 's influence led for a time to an undervaluing of occasional spellings , rhymes and puns .
6 Hamnett 's defection comes at a time of high anxiety in the British fashion industry — but then she 's a woman well known for choosing her moments .
7 Moves to demonstrate the government 's seriousness came at a time when the UN was due to release a report on the effects of the embargo on the Jordanian economy .
8 The judge 's ruling comes at a time when many legal experts are pressing for young children to be allowed to give evidence in court .
9 Thus , true poetry is an entity to which the property POETRY truly applies , while Charlie 's old school is an entity such that the relation between it and the description CHARLIE 'S SCHOOL belongs to the time labelled by the word " old " , and a certain winner ( when not used with the indefinite sense ) is an entity of whom or which the description WINNER certainly holds ( or so the gambler hopes ) .
10 Mr Arafat 's disappearance comes at a time of unprecedented crisis for the PLO .
11 A general reference to the state of the partners ' capital accounts for the time being to establish both the quantum of the firm 's capital and its members ' shares therein may be substituted , with the important caveat , mentioned below , that poor accounting practices may serve to confuse the matter .
12 But , in fact , the delegation was to be more successful than Manners ' remarks revealed at the time .
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