Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [verb] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the past , other things being equal , improvement in a man 's income removed obstacles to marriage .
2 This may be vital for education but in adult life it can become a great barrier to deaf people 's attempts to have access to information .
3 The return of territories to European rule after Japan 's defeat added dissatisfaction to distress .
4 It could well be , however , that most or even all of Ape 's supporters prefer Camel to Bear , and symmetrically that most or even all of Bear 's supporters prefer Camel to Ape .
5 It could well be , however , that most or even all of Ape 's supporters prefer Camel to Bear , and symmetrically that most or even all of Bear 's supporters prefer Camel to Ape .
6 For a period in the 1950s and 60s , North American geology was indexed in a separate publication by the United States Geological Survey as Bibliography of North American Geology ( BNAG ) , which does not concern us in this particular study , with the AGI 's publication changing title to Bibliography and Index of Geology , excluding North America ( BIGENA ) .
7 For a period in the 1950s and 60s , North American geology was indexed in a separate publication by the United States Geological Survey as Bibliography of North American Geology ( BNAG ) , which does not concern us in this particular study , with the AGI 's publication changing title to Bibliography and Index of Geology , excluding North America ( BIGENA ) .
8 Piper Alpha is significant tonight , but the Herald of Free Enterprise and the King 's Cross disasters can be attributed , to a considerable extent , to the Government 's failure to give priority to safety .
9 Leapor 's poems inviting friends to tea are written in a similar vein of pleasure or celebration .
10 Rain 's discomfort gave way to anger .
11 In 1980 , only 5 per cent of Ghana 's people had access to electricity .
12 The Italian parliament after protracted debate approved on Jan. 16 ( by 382 to 201 in the Chamber of Deputies and by 190 to 96 in the Senate ) a motion providing for Italian participation in an " international policing operation " to secure Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait ; the wording was significant in that Italy 's Constitution forbade recourse to war as a means of settling international disputes .
13 But to the surprise of western political spectators , last autumn 's elections returned Iliescu to power in preference to the policies of Emil Constantinescu and the Democratic Convention , an anti-government coalition promising civil liberties and a free market economy .
14 As Seawitch creamed along with taut sails in the steady south-westerly breeze Polly 's nervousness gave way to pride and pleasure .
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