Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [noun] [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A crop of injuries and a long break from competition militate against England 's Lisa Opie successfully defending the women 's title , for which Susan Devoy , of New Zealand , seven times champion , is the firm favourite .
2 As Trent had known it would , the callus on Gomez 's index finger exactly fitted the trigger and upper edge of the trigger-guard .
3 A stall was set up in Liverpool 's Church Street today to ask the public to sign the national TUC petition to save the British Coal Industry .
4 A seamen 's canteen licence only permits the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption in the canteen , and it is an offence to supply in or take from a seamen 's canteen liquor for consumption off the premises ( see s.96 ) .
5 What type of jobs exist and should exist in the housing field ? direct labour ? sub-contractors should the Housing Executive employ local firms to do work in West Belfast ? does the Housing Executive 's tendering policy fairly treat the local labour force ?
6 Blackpool 's Pleasure Beach still boasts the single most popular tourist attraction in the United Kingdom with an estimated 6.5 million visits in 1986 .
7 Women 's labour organizations continually raised the issue , and the Women 's Fabian Group took it up actively in 1905 , with the support of the Daily News .
8 The NPG union in Siberia 's Kuzbass region also had the support of the district administrator , Mikhail Kislyuk .
9 In America alone , on one estimate , more than 500 courses on business ethics are on offer ; 90% of the country 's business schools now teach the subject .
10 Yet the very factors which inhibited the politicization of Russia 's business classes also limited the political value of their support .
11 Britain 's Trish Johnson now leads the US money list .
12 Had even Jaq 's plasma blast truly damaged the beast — or simply stimulated it , spraying elements of it hither and yon ?
13 THE Duke of Westminster was at Chester 's Gateway Theatre yesterday to oversee the start of construction work on a new studio .
14 For example , when Police intervention is requested , once on the scene , they often chose to focus on the woman 's immigration status thus negating the actual reason for them being called initially .
15 John 's father Eric today welcomed the new proposals .
16 John 's father Eric today welcomed the new proposals .
17 SCOTVEC 's quality provision now spans the spectrum from individual modules to complete quality assurance courses .
18 AN INCOMING Labour government would turn large areas of Whitehall upside down — but the party 's policy review barely considers the implications of its plans for restructuring government departments .
19 The English bank 's US arm unwittingly found the ball in its court last year as the primary secured creditor when IBC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy .
20 THE DRINKING arrangements in a Glasgow hotel on Saturday night after the fiery meeting of the Scottish National Party 's executive committee graphically illustrated the deep divisions among its senior members .
21 With the news that NCR Corp has joined the ranks of those opting for its Unix implementation for the iAPX-86 processor family , Sun Microsystems Inc 's SunSoft subsidiary finally took the wrapping off its long-awaited Unix SVR4-based operating system environment last week .
22 ENGLAND 'S women golfers duly added the Home International championship to their European Team title they had won in Holland earlier in the season when they defeated Scotland 5–3 at Hermitage yesterday .
23 Bosch 's wraparound handle also makes the tool easy to carry and use single-handed .
24 The side 's Paul Harper also claimed the top aggregate score out of 80 competitors .
25 ( a ) Overseas Practice Rules 1990 Whilst the Solicitors ' Practice Rules only regulate the conduct of solicitors in practice as such in England and Wales , those who practise as solicitors outside that jurisdiction nevertheless remain subject to the authority of the Law Society and must comply with its Overseas Practice Rules .
26 The Commons ' Environment Committee also accused the Government of starving the inspectorate of resources and staff .
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