Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun pl] officer " in BNC.

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1 Stirling had a lucky encounter , however , with Brigadier John Marriott , a Scots Guards officer whom he had known in Cairo .
2 If the employer is looking to make a judgement on a candidate 's power of invention and imagination then such a question may be relevant but this is open to question if he is seeking to appoint a solid contracts officer .
3 It 's a constant threat of danger and after debrief which takes place in the police station , erm relaxation is necessary erm , we have the availability of er stress counselling as well and a period of about two hours normally elapses before the officers is er reasonably able to er function as a normal police officer again and because of this er it has been decided that the officer 's duties for that day er will be terminated .
4 ( Someone , probably a junior malai officer who knew the jungle , had stolen his impermeable paper earlier . )
5 He had explained to her mother how it was an innovation for Hoggatt 's having a clerical officer on the desk instead of a junior police officer .
6 are reasonably senior , and the great thing is once they do you one favour that 's it , and it 's better because rather than have , for example a junior police officer , who has no idea of covering his tracks
7 as a rural police officer to finance his art
8 However , unless you are a professional personnel officer , one of the proofs of your success will be in the fact that you do not have to exercise your interviewing skill too often , because you consistently choose the right people for the right jobs and they are therefore happy to stay .
9 The accused , a 40-year-old police officer with a wife and a recently discarded mistress , claimed that the woman in question , to whom he had casually given a lift , offered him sex in return .
10 Godoy was a good-looking Guards officer of twenty-five when he was granted power more absolute than that possessed by any subsequent ruler of Spain until General Franco .
11 It was not the thing for a high-ranking police officer with still rising ambition to be eating his supper in Jack 's Fish Bar .
12 A German Customs officer asked us about our trip and where we came from .
13 We had barristers and solicitors , merchant bankers , sales and advertising executives , a restaurant manager , researchers , a public relations officer , a textile broker and farmers among the team .
14 He actually fired a public relations officer who had dared argue that the real sales figures were one or two percentage points short of the goal .
15 Your local Law Society may well have a public relations officer , and it would be as well to speak to him or her before you embark on contacting the media and putting yourself forward as a specialist .
16 After a spell as London editor of the Evening Dispatch he became press officer for the RAF in Scotland and when that job was ended he moved back to London to become a public relations officer for the Royal Navy .
17 She would in fact be taking over from a male contracts officer who would be leaving the company in four months ' time .
18 When he did he usually denied that the complaints were justified — even when a civil rights officer ( myself ) was physically thrown out of Hastings Street [ RUC ] Station !
19 Then your detective should have much more of the qualities that make for success in a real police officer , and much less vulnerability to comic events .
20 Where a chief police officer believed that a march would cause serious disorder which would not be amenable to control he could seek a ban through the local authority to the Home Secretary .
21 For these seemingly innocent catchphrases take on a new meaning in the unofficial dictionary of drug dealing , a chief police officer revealed yesterday .
22 ‘ Five bodies were found yesterday ( Wednesday ) , today another two and just a few hours ago the last body , ’ said a human rights officer .
23 That day brought the acquittal of a white police officer , William Lozano , of the killing of two black men in January 1989 .
24 It was the first conviction of a white police officer on charges arising from such killings .
25 The violence in the state continued , however , the most notable incident being on Jan. 10 when Gobind Ram , a leading police officer accused of brutality by militant Sikhs , was killed with three other policemen by a terrorist bomb at his headquarters in Jullundur .
26 As the major entered , a lone police officer stood to attention .
27 A tough police officer . ’
28 The plotters , led by Gabriel ‘ GMT ’ Kai Kai , a former police officer , were arrested .
29 Some have called for a boycott of the elections , but most are likely to back the faction of the Akali Dal , the Sikh political party , led by a former police officer , Simranjit Singh Mann .
30 A DRINK-DRIVE police officer faces losing his job after a passer-by saw him hit another vehicle .
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