Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] light " in BNC.

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1 For example a variety of light bulbs was obtained in order to produce readings under various different light intensities .
2 There was a bit of light , now my eyes had adjusted to it , from distant street-lamps I suppose .
3 ‘ I can see a bit of light around the horizon , ’ said Gurder .
4 With that we 'll see if we 've got any more it 's er , have to go down here which has got a bit of light , still some birds moving around and the birds calling , go and check the nests now .
5 Let's have a bit of light on the subject " She switched on the blue urinal and looked at it .
6 No , I do n't know Alf , I ca n't remember if he was the first goalkeeper ever to throw a ball out to a player but , er if you want to ring up , tell you what you want to do , you want to ring up if you 're around , between twelve and one , and discuss that with Pete Murray , and Tony Lockwood , for , when they have the sport back on Talkback , and er , that of course , is the specialist sportsperson 's hour , and er , they may be able to throw a bit of light on that .
7 They were up there admiring the sunset but I wanted to stop while there was still a bit of light .
8 He had out-boxed , out-hit and out-manoeuvred Robshaw in an impressive display that brought a bit of light into the North-East 's nine-boy assault on the titles .
9 Put a bit of light .
10 Rob Phone , Mr and Mrs National Holidays , and the journalist they met on the train have all gone their separate ways now , but perhaps a little enriched , a little relaxed , by a modicum of light , meaningless conversation .
11 They were nowhere in sight as I went through to the dining car , and Filmer seemed to have gone straight to his room , as there was a thread of light shining along the bottom of his door ; but Daffodil , I discovered , had after all not .
12 Abigail 's door was ajar and he went into the room , bringing a segment of light with him , a triangle that fell short a yard from her cot .
13 Before that , on their left , was a speck of light that did n't come from ditch or cutting , but from the tunnel so laboriously bored , and whose end John 's sappers had now finally opened .
14 A speck of light caught Lexandro 's attention .
15 The road followed a wadi , a dried-up river bed , which was green with palms and which a trick of light sometimes filled with water — such mirages are natural and common in the desert .
16 A flicker of light showed in the heavy-lidded eyes .
17 And through the archway that opened into the saloon , he saw a flicker of light .
18 Then I saw a strip of light .
19 The blinking was a reflex which could equally well have been set off by a puff of wind or a flash of light .
20 William saw the man lean back , one shoulder dropping slightly , then there was a flash of light which seemed to blind him and a searing pain .
21 Just before each Geiger counter click we see a flash of light from the illuminated electron .
22 A flash of light turned everything white .
23 It would be an interminable occupation were it not for the fact that what one learns about the landscape of one town often throws a flash of light upon a topographical puzzle in another .
24 On the way back to Earth , they were just about to begin their final descent when Gedanken saw a flash of light in the distance .
25 Gedanken flicked the switch and both ray-guns immediately gave out a flash of light .
26 A flash of light — then darkness — the sight perhaps permanently damaged .
27 A flash of light … .
28 Did it come as a sudden revelation and a flash of light to Brigadier Crawley , or was it that the development corporation , with its vast capital expenditure , needed a prestige project to give it credence in the eyes of the commercial world ?
29 It was like a flash of light !
30 it 's not pronounced in mine , but , some er they say that with where it 's gone away , you know , there 's all sorts of things that can prove it I mean the obvious thing is we came from somewhere did n't we ? , we did n't just drop here with a flash of light and er they 've studied plants and other animals and they evolved .
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