Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] evidence " in BNC.

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1 The earlier work of historical demographers of households was concentrated on examining the simple measure of household size , and they were able to establish by a variety of evidence that the average size remained remarkably consistent between the seventeenth century and the twentieth .
2 Pierburg then sought to obtain photographs of a car which was situated in California , and it was held ( plainly correctly ) that this was not a case of evidence being obtained ‘ abroad ’ and so the Convention was inapplicable .
3 What was hiding a bit of evidence compared to clubbing somebody to death with a black cab ?
4 A mass of evidence follows , most of it from sound medical sources , that the medical profession has become hopelessly hooked on prescription drugs ; that the drugs are neither so effective nor so safe as our doctors would have us believe ; and that the public and the profession is being remorselessly taken for a ride by the pharmaceutical industry .
5 Dietary change is a central component of this process , and there is a mass of evidence to support the role of a diet high in saturated fat in atherogenesis .
6 In addition there is a mass of evidence that a very high proportion of people in their sixties and seventies are physically capable of remaining longer than they do in the formal labour market .
7 Research in the Somerset Levels over the last few decades has produced a mass of evidence of prehistoric timber trackways built to cross the low-lying marshy land between the uplands of the Mendips and Poldens and islands in the Levels .
8 Even in 1982 , I felt I could hardly substantiate a fifth-century occupation without a scrap of evidence .
9 Redpath had acted at once on the very slenderest of chances — apart from the date , and the fact that Stavanger was missing , there was n't a scrap of evidence to link him with the body found on the Thames foreshore at low tide .
10 The best plasterwork tends , without a scrap of evidence , to be attributed to Thomas Stocking .
11 The penalty was imposed primarily as a result of evidence provided by the victim and in spite of the tenor of the earlier summing-up by the judge who had told the jury that it was dangerous to convict on the evidence of an alleged victim alone .
12 The mental act is explained by referring to another mental act , or a rule , or a piece of evidence , as in ( 10 ) .
13 An explanation in the deductive mode is an explanation of a ‘ mental act ’ ( idea/judgement/conclusion ) in terms of another mental act , or a rule , or a piece of evidence .
14 When assessing family connections , the anatomy of a larva is obviously as valid a piece of evidence as that of the adult .
15 Their forensic tests could probably prove it had been around your neck and in my pocket , but it 's been badly mistreated as a piece of evidence . ’
16 Nevertheless , the plan is too wide for a tragedy-centred book even on Nietzsche 's terms , and , as such , it is certainly a piece of evidence in favour of his sister 's postulate of a full-scale book about Greece .
17 For the first time ever , Athelstan had a piece of evidence , something that would fit , something which might unlock the rat of the secrets .
18 This is especially true if a piece of evidence with a very strong and obvious bias is used , or if two contrasting views of the same event are chosen and the pupils encouraged to compare the two .
19 ‘ In the first place , there is the doctrine , which may now perhaps be regarded as a rule of evidence , that , if a voluntary disposition in favour of the husband is impeached , the burden of establishing that it was not improperly or unfairly procured may be placed upon him by proof of circumstances raising any doubt or suspicion .
20 A true historical investigation would take account of press agitation , party conferences , Government pronouncements , and debates in Parliament ; but all these are ignored as the result of a rule excluding evidence of the political history of a statute .
21 Besides , the ritual of sampling and inspection makes it easy for the field man to portray his activity as a normal part of his job , rather than as a search for evidence of deviance .
22 A preferable interpretation is : a search for evidence justifying a choice between qualitatively distinct alternatives .
23 From a wealth of evidence the author shows that as powerful , influential and educated Germans embraced the values and beliefs of the Enlightenment , so they gave growing moral , material and manpower support to chemistry .
24 There is a wealth of evidence to say so .
25 A wealth of evidence exists to prove that reading involves much more than simply recognising the individual characters that form a word .
26 For example , in credit transfer a certificate may need to be supported by a portfolio of evidence , while in APL some certification may be produced to support the portfolio .
27 Practitioners with five or more years experience as managers in the hospitality industry who may hold no formal qualifications but who can submit to HCIMA through the Association 's Accreditation of Prior Learning ( APL ) Scheme , a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates prior learning at the required level .
28 Allegations that Mr Gandhi or members of his family received large sums have often been heard on opposition hustings , but not a shred of evidence exists that his hands dipped anywhere near the till .
29 Many interviews were quoted with contacts in East Europe , all of whom claimed to have proof that Crabb was still alive , but not a shred of evidence was ever produced to support any of these bizarre allegations .
30 It seems that Constanze supplied Mozart with the sexual fulfilment he needed , and , although rumours abounded at the time , and have continued ever since , that both husband and wife took other lovers , there is not a shred of evidence to support such a theory .
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