Example sentences of "of responsibility for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Adoption involves the legal transfer of responsibility for a child from its natural parents .
2 The government accused the LTTE of responsibility for a series of horrific massacres of Moslem civilians in the first half of August .
3 We will , as a matter of urgency , discuss with Hong Kong 's representatives what measures may best enhance democracy and confidence during Britain 's five remaining years of responsibility for the colony .
4 Earlier , the change of emphasis from a ‘ social ’ to an ‘ economic and environmental ’ focus had been reflected in a switch of responsibility for the Programme from the Home Office to the Department of the Environment .
5 Ruthie folded her arms , as if to emphasize her lack of responsibility for the shop she was minding .
6 Regretfully traditional inspection often shifts the focus of responsibility for the quality of performance away from the person carrying out the work .
7 THE BBC is to be stripped of responsibility for the Queen 's annual Christmas TV broadcast , ending a tradition going back 60 years .
8 Disagreement has tended to centre upon the issue of responsibility for the evident political incompatibility of left and right and the consequent unworkability of Republican democracy .
9 Education meant infinitely more than good schools programmes ; a whole approach , rather , to broadcasting as a means of widening horizons , opening doors , increasing awareness — all the well meant speech — day cliches of the educationist , working with the privilege of experience and knowledge and with a sense of responsibility for the improvement of those they serve .
10 With the movement of responsibility for the Russian market from the UK to its Mountain View headquarters in California Sun has made a considerable drive in the scientific and academic markets in Russia .
11 If there were just two , as in the face-to-face dialogue , then the ethical would preside as the injunction of responsibility for the other .
12 Unless there is a really determined effort to ‘ burn the books ’ , and reduce this tangle of bureaucracy , the people at the bottom of the organization on whom everything depends feel an increasing lack of responsibility for the achievement of the objective .
13 The definition of house-wifery is cast in terms of responsibility for the running of a home .
14 Was the V. & A. 's Chairman trying to tell us something about the government 's degree of responsibility for the staff restructuring plans announced by the V. & A. 's Director and rashly endorsed by himself in 1989 ?
15 The definition of housewifery is cast in terms of responsibility for the running of the home ( Oakley , 1974 , p. 38 ) .
16 Conversely , to enter the chemical laboratory envisaged in 1606 by Andreas Libavius — a respectable Lutheran humanist , critic of the Paracelsians , and author of what has been described as the first chemical textbook — would be to enter an open house in which the products of the furnace were investigated with a sense of responsibility for the welfare of one 's fellow men .
17 We feel a keen sense of responsibility for the sick and needy .
18 Capitalizing on the Melby report they suggested that Paris should pass a large measure of responsibility for the Indo-Chinese problem to the UN : thus enlisting wider support from free Asian countries and perhaps even inhibiting Chinese communist support for Ho Chi Minh .
19 The offender had a degree of responsibility for the victim , there was evidence of planning and the victim , while not as young as some victims , was only 13 .
20 If a church is large enough it may support artistic performing groups and there is often a sense of responsibility for the education of that community 's children in language , traditional customs , crafts , music and dance .
21 For those unemployed and with a family , the added worry of responsibility for the next generation must be bewildering .
22 Readers attributed to Martyn a degree of responsibility for the content of the journal , and some sent their comments to him rather than to Oldenburg .
23 Is he aware that there are problems not only in respect of teachers ' salaries , actual as opposed to average , but in respect of responsibility for the funding of the older village primary schools which predominate in rural areas ?
24 The evidence of responsibility for the carnage and destruction is too overwhelming to be ignored .
25 Among other things , the decree proposed propaganda campaigns to " teach every Lao citizen to love nature and to develop a sense of responsibility for the preservation of forests " .
26 The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace ( CCJP ) issued a statement in Harare on March 27 accusing ZANU-PF of responsibility for the near-fatal shooting incident which , allegedly , occurred in the presence of uniformed police , and which it described as a " gross misuse of state machinery for intimidation purposes " .
27 A statement by the Polish government said that the question of responsibility for the Katyn massacre had " weighed particularly painfully " on Polish-Soviet relations , and that the " long-awaited " Soviet admission made possible a relationship based on " partnership and true friendship " .
28 The Independent of Aug. 27 reported that Bhutto also faced a murder charge : a writ filed on Aug. 25 by members of the Muhajir community ( descendants of Urdu-speaking immigrants ) accused her of responsibility for the death of several people during an incident on May 26 when police opened fire on a crowd in Hyderabad , Sind [ see p. 37452 ] .
29 Following the talks the then East German Prime Minister , Hans Modrow , acknowledged that his country bore a share of responsibility for the Nazi war crimes and expressed a willingness to pay reparations to victims .
30 On Dec. 19 Ryzhkov had admitted to the Congress his share of responsibility for the collapse of the economy .
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