Example sentences of "of all [art] evidence " in BNC.

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1 Notwithstanding the growing power of the Congress movement , he entertained high expectations of the new policy in fostering the seeds of devotion to the empire in the Indian people , believing in the face of all the evidence that the reforms would create conditions whereby ‘ one day the greater love of the greater Commonwealth will be found to have come without observation ’ .
2 After careful consideration of all the evidence and relevant law the Tribunal either upholds or dismisses the appeal .
3 In spite of all the evidence from Abraham onwards , they apparently believed that God writes off anyone who does not belong to the actual nation of Israel .
4 To be plausible the authority should also be limited in the way ours is : a machine that appeared certain , in the teeth of all the evidence observable by us , that such and such a transistor was failing might well have given itself away precisely because it would lack the ‘ downwards ’ inscrutability that our inner workings have for us .
5 Naturally , in a research report , the author can not provide all the data ; on the other hand , the reader must be satisfied that all material has been considered and that the conclusions represent a comprehensive analysis of all the evidence .
6 It is still popularly held , in the face of all the evidence , that women are incapable of doing certain forms of work .
7 Especially because of all the evidence that different species , and different processes within a single organism , use variants of similar molecular mechanisms to carry out specified tasks , those with the good fortune to have the time to think about the data accumulating in the literature would probably reap a rich harvest of understanding .
8 After the jury was sworn , there began immediately a seven-day voire dire in which the defence challenged the admissibility of all the evidence resulting from the undercover operation .
9 On a consideration of all the evidence and having regard to the matters to which section 10(9) enjoins us to have particular regard , I am fully satisfied that this is a case where we should exercise our discretion so as to refuse leave .
10 It will be for him to decide , in the light of all the evidence , whether in respect of the relief claimed Hambros Jersey has a sufficient connection with England for it to be just for the English court to grant such relief .
11 The rule i in my submission is that expert evidence is admissible er where there are matters at issue before the court which require expertise for the analysis and these criteria to be satisfied in my submission are that first of all the evidence must be relevant , and secondly the witness must be competent to give it .
12 ‘ This is a case where painstaking analysis of all the evidence points to the defendant . ’
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