Example sentences of "of a problem [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These woes are compounded by an acute form of a problem that besets most branches of computing and telecommunications — the need for a universally accepted standard .
2 The need to call police to sort out minor disturbances only skims the surface of a problem that does the name of the club no good and reduces its image to that of second rate .
3 Nevertheless , it does provide a simple demonstration of a problem that dogs all our stratigraphical thinking , and as the palaeontologist in question was my student ( and I visited the area with him ) my inclinations are wholly for the second interpretation in this case .
4 So it should n't be that much of a problem but I do recommend erm this weekend , amongst the many other things , to look at the C C Q , or at some time before you go out in the big wide world and do it for real , to look at the C C Q and pull it apart so you know what each box is actually for .
5 Jobs , government officials say , are much less of a problem than is housing .
6 One advantage of such a site , however , is that samples of blood and urine that are required for analysis of rhythms are readily refrigerated so that deterioration is less of a problem than in other environments .
7 Supplying the best environment is often less of a problem than deciding how to make effective use of their special qualities within the existing garden .
8 Lighting has also proved less of a problem than anticipated .
9 With these concessions the cost of transport is less of a problem than availability .
10 If you are travelling by car , carrying extra bits and pieces is less of a problem than if you are going by air .
11 If ( and hopefully when ) you do finally quit , it may create more of a problem than if you gird your mental loins at the outset and make up your mind to do it first and foremost .
12 On the other hand , girls ' lack of femininity or their ‘ masculinity ’ may be seen as more of a problem than that of underachievement .
13 There are also many other organisations which willingly provide their particular form of expertise when AlB need a more profound appreciation of a problem than their own resources can provide .
14 The time spent on the herb garden is probably less than on any other part of the whole garden ( unless it has been deliberately planted to be labour-saving ) , but shortage of time is less of a problem than money , since the herb-garden is a hobby , undertaken for enjoyment and relaxation .
15 In England , at least , rural depopulation is now regarded as less of a problem than it was up until the 1940s .
16 Now that fitted cupboards are commonplace in the home , storage is less of a problem than it used to be , but shelving and cupboards in living rooms , dining rooms and bedrooms is always useful .
17 It was noted that the Hibbs contribution suggested that right-wing governments tended to see inflation as more of a problem than unemployment .
18 We found indications that homophonic phrases were more of a problem than had previously been thought .
19 They can involve further investigation of a problem or need identified in the placement year , or they might be related to staff research interests .
20 the articulation of a problem or problems
21 It begins with the identification of a problem or issue which requires consideration .
22 The process of assessment , therefore , not only involves the recognition of a problem or issue , and the ability to identify and collect all the relevant information from a variety of sources .
23 An unexpected piece of good fortune comes your way Saturday in the form of a friend or admirer willing to dig deep to help you out of a problem or into a successful proposition .
24 There was something of a problem as to whom to appoint in command of the army whilst the Regent was absent .
25 Transforming an idea into reality therefore becomes less of a problem as individuals are less likely to pose barriers .
26 Ruth would become more of a problem as she grew older .
27 She writes : ‘ At nearly forty , ageism seemed to be as much of a problem as sexism ’ .
28 These cause more of a problem as it is thought that a scheme of arrangement under CA 1985 , s425 can not bind a member who did not have an opportunity to be present or represented at the court-ordered meeting .
29 I 'm sure I told you there was n't another meeting when you asked me , and I gather there 's been a bit of a problem as well for other people .
30 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
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