Example sentences of "of build [adv prt] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Your learning must be a technique of building up knowledge in small doses , as articulated parts of a whole .
2 The National Marriage Guidance Council book Alone Again sees pleasing yourself as an essential part of building up wholeness .
3 People sometimes think that natural selection is a purely negative force , capable of weeding out freaks and failures , but not capable of building up complexity , beauty and efficiency of design .
4 WFP makes the statement that the RMI will be ‘ extended and accelerated ’ with the aim of building up coverage to those units by the end of 1991/92 , ie March 1992 .
5 Pigs and poultry , sensibly managed , can be a rapid means of building up fertility on a run-down holding .
6 Cézanne 's method of building up form by a series of parallel hatchings or small overlapping brush-strokes is used by Picasso in a severe and logical way ; indeed , in the gouaches of early 1909 this method of work becomes almost a refinement of the earlier , cruder striations .
7 With appropriate allocation of profits from year to year the company partner could be used as a means of building up partnership capital at the more favourable tax rate .
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