Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [prep] least " in BNC.

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1 They all have interest in the scheme so that we would believe the thing to do would be to have at least an equal number of employer appointed trustees and employee appointed trustees and the employee in this , I 'm using it globally , so it does cover all three groups and we also believe it would be advisable because er inevitably the e er members er probably would n't know a lot about pensions themselves to have an independent trustee from an independent company who specialises in pensions and pensions laws and could a advise them on exactly what the law says and what they they 're legal duties etcetera are .
2 The objective should be to get at least one overseas visitor from each Overseas Group into each of the eight Regions within any two year period .
3 The aim of the whole May Day event will be to raise at least £1,800 for the Queen Elizabeth Centre which , as part of the Upper Hamble Country Park , provides outdoor activity holidays for children with special needs .
4 In general , it was apparent that as far as possible different regions of the country ( with the exception of East Anglia and the South West ) were to gain at least one designation .
5 Here , the major objective is to find at least a champion , and hopefully an internal sponsor for the idea .
6 The immediate aim is to launch at least five such products on the market within two years .
7 The method is to select at least two comparison stars , one brighter than the variable and the other fainter .
8 What the model does is to suggest at least two things that need to be examined critically .
9 All we ask of you in return is to buy at least one book from each of the Reviews and stay with us for a minimum of six issues .
10 Once you have the three numbers , your goal is to reduce at least one of them every day .
11 One 's hopes are raised that Scots law is to get at least some adequate mention , but these hopes founder on the title of the very first chapter , ‘ The Incorporation of European Community Law into English Law ’ .
12 The declared aim of the PRC to was to win at least 10 per cent of the seats in the forthcoming legislative elections and to " become what the PDS no longer is : a party of the masses " .
13 A common response to the PNP messages was to convert at least a part of the room into workbays which were generally , though not invariably , dedicated to specific areas of the curriculum .
14 Back in Cardiff , my name went up on the Honours Board and my father , in the last year before his retirement , quietly enjoyed the thought that I was to spend at least part of my life in the county in which his father had been born .
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