Example sentences of "be [pos pn] duty [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It contained a mass of papers relevant to the ‘ vision ’ , and sometimes it had been my duty to show it to privileged people , though it was not for general release .
2 But since my brother 's death it has been my duty to care for my two nieces .
3 It was only after the women had left that she thought to check the receipt book to make sure it had not been her duty to collect payment for today 's four lunches , then sighed with relief when she saw that this had been attended to at lunchtime by Jean .
4 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
5 ‘ As your legal adviser , Mrs Quatt , I conceived it to be my duty to warn you of the possible consequences of your words . ’
6 While she worked she told Sara how fortunate she was to be going to Portugal and to have been found a husband and how , when she was married , it would be her duty to obey him and remain utterly faithful to him , taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as her model and guide in all things .
7 As secretary of the Federation , it will be my duty to report the facts to its Central Council and I shall , advise them that it will be their duty to issue an order to all Seamen 's unions throughout the world and the dockers and other transport workers that they must refuse to recognise the members of any local union of seamen which may be established at the Port of Southampton or elsewhere .
8 That is , he maintains that while they are soldiers it is their duty to fight , but should they choose the way of non-violence then it would be their duty to refuse to fight .
9 The recognition of parents who intentionally harmed their children could not be easily accommodated within the understanding of what these services were there to do : the scandals and the subsequent enquiries revealed time and again that social workers could not see what to lay people was painfully obvious , and what lawyers and other professionals ( with the benefit of hindsight ) constructed to be their duty to recognize .
10 To apply that principle here : suppose the corporation proposed to reduce the number of taxicabs from 300 to 200 , it would be their duty to hear the taxicab owners ' association : because their members would be greatly affected .
11 Surely it must be his duty to call in the next day or so on Paul Berowne 's wife and his family .
12 S.B. agreed that if that was indeed the case it would be his duty to take part in it .
13 ‘ I assume you considered it to be your duty to kiss me and — and … ’
14 The Labour and Socialist International was not prepared to recommend the formation of United Fronts in individual countries but issued the following reply to the Comintern : We feel it to be our duty to call upon the Parties affiliated to the LSI to hold their hands if possible and not to deal with Communist offers of this kind in the individual countries until the Executive of the Labour and Socialist International has defined its attitude towards the new platform of the Comintern .
15 This is verging on the tragic , because even if there is only a remote chance of these clumps being survivors from prehistoric times , it must be our duty to ensure their continuity .
16 But if , if , I can make myself whole , or be made whole with the help of others , then it is my duty to submit to the pain , of healing , the lashes of contempt .
17 ‘ I 'm afraid it is my duty to search you before you go .
18 PAMELA : As it is your will and you have determined , it is my duty to yield up the point .
19 Neither of you knows personally the young man to whom you intend to entrust your , er … secret , and I feel it is my duty to caution you . ’
20 ‘ Edward is wont to forget , you understand , being such a new sovereign — and 't is my duty to remind him . ’
21 It is my duty to reassure them — but I need the facts .
22 ‘ Forgive me , mademoiselle , but I 'm afraid it is my duty to ask whether … that is , if you were … ’
23 It is my duty to report to you , the members — effectively shareholders — on our financial year just passed , in terms of financial results , significant events and to comment on the health and future prospects of the Association .
24 Then I know it is my duty to score goals and to bring something to the team .
25 Sitting here as a British judge it is my duty to tell you that this is not a country in which there is one law for the rich and another for the poor .
26 As your parish priest , it is my duty to shield you from any overenthusiasm on the part of visitors hoping to catch a glimpse of a visionary .
27 In his Life he made William X of Aquitaine protest against Louis 's meddling in the Auvergne , with the words : ‘ If the count of Auvergne has committed any fault , it is my duty to present him at your court on your order , because he holds the Auvergne of me as I hold it of you . ’
28 Mr Andrew Cammish , representing Shaun Williams , had told them : ‘ Justice must be seen to be done as well as be done and it is my duty to bring any particular irregularity to the court 's attention .
29 ‘ And it is my duty to change it . ’
30 Wahono quoted Suharto as saying : " If the people want it and if I am entrusted , then it is my duty to fulfil the will . "
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