Example sentences of "be [vb pp] the basis " in BNC.

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1 It seems fairly clear , for example , that in domestic animals macro mutations of this kind have quite often been made the basis of new breeds of dogs or of cattle and things of that kind .
2 Physical concepts are made the basis for this text on the development and achievements of GR .
3 Texts can be put to many uses : a ) Extracts from texts can be made the basis of language learning dialogues and drills .
4 Nevertheless , there is an element of incongruity here since the requirement of fitness for purpose is made the basis of s14(2) as well as s14(3). ( e ) Merchantability and quality The emphasis in s14(6) upon function and purpose can in one sense be regarded as undermining an important element in merchantability , namely , quality .
5 However , once this is conceded the basis of Oakeshott 's theory is challenged since he views these two forms of association as categorially distinct moral conditions and as shaping two wholly different manners of government and two profoundly different characters of human identity .
6 As is well known , it was made the basis of a reconstruction of the events by V. Tcherikover and E. Bickerman .
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